- Author: Kumin In and Nick Saikaly
- Github: @kuminin and @gamer1357
- Team: NKX
- Contact Info: [email protected]
- CECS 343 - 07/08
- Project Part 1
This is the second part of our VCS (Version Control System) project. In this project part, we add the ability to check-in a project tree (mostly already done), and to check-out a project tree to a new location. The check-in ability lets the user checkpoint various intermediate states/versions of a project tree. The check-out ability lets the user, or another user, check-out a specific version of the project tree either to create a branch (e.g., so several users can work in parallel, or to specialize a project for the Android OS) or to rollback to a previous known good project state.
Copy the main.py and the VCS directory into the desired project directory.
We are assuming that create_repo has been called before check_in or check_out has been called. Also We are assuming that the user doesn't have additional folders in the desired project directory.
In the desired project directory...
To create a repo for your project:
python main.py create_repo
To create check_in the repo:
python main.py check_in.py
To check_out a repo:
python main.py check_out.py
We are still not sure if the script will run on Windows OS.
We are not sure if a if the software will work if a directory contains a directory of files. So I beleive this is another issue.