Simple Python app to stream data from GNSS module on the IR1800 and send to MQTT topic
- docker build -t gps .
- ./ioxclient docker package gps .
- use the OD or local manager to upload the start the APP
- user "gnss_dr" as the serial interface for IOX to stream data
- give app ip of / 24 , gw is
SAMPLE Output will give gyro/accel data as well - you will need to parse the GPS data out. but this is the idea:
eg output:
b'$GPRMC,050600.000,A,3726.5177,N,12155.0149,W,0.00,0.00,080723,,,A7B\r\n' b'DGYRO,43053230,-45,4,-89,0,20951\r\n' b'STM3DGYRO,45031074,-41,-12,-83,0,2114C\r\n' b'SENMSG,30,46324694,-165,173,1634135\r\n' b'4,200,163453B\r\n' b'SG,30,50553209,-176,218,1636833\r\n'
to subscribe to the stream install mosquitto on your laptop and .... :
mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 -u cisco -P cisco123 -t gps