It is a beginner level dynamic website for online donating and borrowing blood. It contains services like login option, feedback, tips for blood donation, information regarding blood donation camps etc. Technology Stack Used: HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, Bootstrap, MYSQL.
Software Needed: Xampp, Visual Studio Code(any IDE of your choice)
How to run the project:
- Go to folder xampp/htdocs
- Clone the github repository here
- Open Xampp and start Apache and MySQL servers
- Open browser goto localhost/dashboard to check if the server has started
- Once the server is up goto localhost/blood-bank-manangment-system/, the application should be open in front of you :)
SQL Queries:
Donor table
CREATE TABLE donors ( fullname varchar(255), email varchar(255), address varchar(255), gender varchar(255), mobileno bigint, weight int, state varchar(255), city varchar(255), bloodgroup varchar(255), ldate varchar(255), bdate varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(email) );
Feedback table
CREATE TABLE feedback ( fullname varchar(255), email varchar(255), rating varchar(255), suggestions varchar(255), comments varchar(255) );