A Flutter plugin to get data from overpass api https://overpass-turbo.eu and https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org. Support Android and iOS. Feel free to contribute.
- Get nearby places by coordinate and radius.
- Use raw Overpass QL to get result
- Fetch place by coordinates given
- Search by address
final flutterOverpass = FlutterOverpass();
// Fetch nearby nodes by coordinates and radius given.
final nearbyPlaces = await flutterOverpass.getNearbyNodes(
latitude: -122.3838801383972,
longitude: 37.79396544487583,
radius: 200,
// Fetch data by executing Overpass QL.
final rawResults = await flutterOverpass.rawOverpassQL('node(around:200,37.79396544487583,-122.3838801383972);');
// Fetch place by coordinates given.
final places = await flutterOverpass.getPlaceFromCoordinate(
latitude: -122.3838801383972,
longitude: 37.79396544487583,
// Search by address.
final places = await flutterOverpass.searchAddress(
address: 'Rihanna Drive',
For more queries you can visit here: Overpass QL