- Wan Ying Tsui
- Aaron Stack
- Kelsey Malone
- Eddie Harmon
- User can navigate to the homepage
- The homepage is a list of all questions (oldest to newest for MVP) and their corresponding score (sum of vote values)
- User can click on a question and be directed to a question display page
- For entire app: every comment, question, and answer will display with its corresponding score
- The question display page displays the question text, any comments on the question. Underneath the question text will be all answers to the question, underneath each answer will be any comments on that answer.
- On the top of the any page is a navigation bar that includes links to login (if not logged in) / logout (if logged in) and a redirect to the home page.
- If a user clicks on login - they are directed to a login page.
- Login page has forms for username, password, as well as link for new users to register.
- After login - logged in user gains access to the following functionality:
- Can create a new question
- After question creation, the user is able to select (one) best answer to the created question
- Can create comments on any question or answer throughout application
- Can create an answer to any question
- The user can upvote or downvote any question, answer, or comment throughout the application (only once per question, answer or comment)
- Pages are rendered using Materialize CSS: http://materializecss.com/