Build Your Own Django Blog
PyLadiesSF workshop hosted on May 12th, 2012
Info about PyLadiesSF:
Info about PyLadies:
This Django-based site is the very barest of bones for a blogging site. It uses Django's class based views as opposed to the Django tutorial's function-defined views.
For folks wanting to contribute: Anyone is welcome to contribute! Please be excessively clear in whatever code you're adding with hyper-aware documentation.
For ladies wanting to use this to build your own blog, here is a quick, barebones overview of what you will need:
Download Git (this is not a GitHub account)
Create a GitHub account
Fork this repo (follow the GitHub directions on how to Fork a repo). You will have a new folder called PyLadiesBYOBlog with the files we created at the workshop.
Make sure you have Django on your system.
--a) If you successfully got virtualenv/virtualenv wrapper, create a new virtual environment within the newly forked directory, PyLadiesBYOBlog
--b) Within your new virtualenv on your terminal/command line, type: pip install django
--c) If you do not have virtualenv, navitage to the newly forked directory from step 3 in your command line.
--d) In your command line, type: easy_install django
In PyLadiesBYOBlog directory from the command line, type: python runserver
Navigate to 'localhost:8000/admin' and throw up a few blog posts.
Navigate to 'localhost:8000' to see your posts.
On my TODO/wish list:
For ladies wanting to use this to build your own blog, here is a quick, barebones overview of what you will need:
Download Git (this is not a GitHub account) & create/set up a GitHub account:
Fork this repo (follow the GitHub directions on how to Fork a repo) & clone it: You will have a new folder called PyLadiesBYOBlog with the files we created at the workshop.
Make sure you have Django on your system.
--a) If you successfully got virtualenv/virtualenv wrapper, create a new virtual environment within the newly forked directory, "PyLadiesBYOBlog"
--b) Within your new virtualenv on your terminal/command line, type:
$ pip install django
--c) If you do not have virtualenv, navitage to the newly forked directory from step 3 in your command line.
--d) In your command line, type:
$ easy_install django
In the PyLadiesBYOBlog/DjangoBlog/ file, generate your own secret key using any characters, just as long as it's 50 characters long. Keep it secret!!
In PyLadiesBYOBlog directory from the command line, type:
$ python syncdb --a) create a superuser, like we did during the workshop. Just remember your username & password.
In PyLadiesBYOBlog directory from the command line, type:
$ python runserver
Navigate to 'localhost:8000/admin' in your browswer and write up a few blog posts.
Navigate to 'localhost:8000' to see your posts.
- To get your project 'live' so folks can read your blog, Heroku offers a free service for small sites with a great tutorial here:
Proper Sphinx documentation
Fixing the comment form to be visable & to work
Adding the ability to format text when blogging using a WYSIWYG editor (WYSIWYG = 'what you see is what you get')
Ability to upload media (e.g. images), link to other pages