Welcome to the Airport API Service: a system for tracking flights from airports across the globe.
The Airport API Service is a Django-based project designed for efficient management and tracking of flights from airports worldwide.This system facilitates efficient coordination and information management. With its well-structured features, the Airport API Service enables users to handle various aspects of the aviation ecosystem.
- Authentication: Users are authenticated using JWTs, which are issued upon successful login and provide secure access.
- Admin Panel: Admins can easily add, edit, and delete data, ensuring efficient control over the application.
- Documentation: Comprehensive API documentation is available through the Swagger UI.
- Airplane Management: Define and categorize different types of airplanes, capturing essential details such as capacity and images.
- Crew Management: Manage crew members, including their first and last names.
- Location Handling: Record information about countries and cities, associating airports with their closest big city.
- Airport Details: Store comprehensive data about airports, including their names, associated cities, and images.
- Route Definition: Define routes between source and destination airports, aiding in the organization of flight connections.
- Flight Tracking: Monitor flights with detailed information about the assigned route, airplane, departure, and arrival times. Additionally, manage the crew assigned to each flight.
- Order and Ticket System: Record and manage orders made by users, and handle tickets for specific flights and orders, including row and seat details.
Ensure you have Python 3
Install PostgreSQL
and create db.
git clone https://github.com/o-davydova/Airport-API-Service
cd Airport-API-Service
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/Scripts/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<your secret key>
set DJANGO_DEBUG=<your debug value>
set DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=<your allowed hosts>
set POSTGRES_HOST=<your Postgres host>
set POSTGRES_DB=<your Postgres database>
set POSTGRES_USER=<your Postgres user>
set POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your Postgres password>
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
should be installed.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
- create a user via /api/user/register
- get access token via /api/user/token