This part of the project includes the API and the website
View Demo
Report Bug
Request Feature
- About the Project
- Getting Started
- Inout Structure
- Usage
- Security Note
- Contact
- License
- Acknowledgements
Road Report is an application that enables citizens to report problems such as potholes they encounter in the city.
Road Report gathers data from citizens who use this app and sends this data to our partner TMaaS, who helps the city of Ghent to spot these problems quicker and effective. This improves the sidewalks and cycling paths for you, making life in the city a nicer experience for everyone.
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
Basically you need to have a NGINX server(manage website and proxy), MySQL Server (store data), and PHP≥5 (process the data) installed, MapBox API Key and BeSt@ Service.
Website configuration /etc/nginx/sites-available/roadreport.conf
server {
listen 80;
server_name; #your domain(s)
root /var/www/html; # directory of the roadreport website
index index.php index.html index.htm;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.roadreport.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.roadreport.log;
client_max_body_size 64M;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string&query=$uri;
autoindex off;
location /best@ {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_pass; #Address to the BeSt@ service
proxy_redirect off;
location ^\.git {
deny all;
# include your php configuration
make a symbolic link for nginx
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/roadreport.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/roadreport.conf
- Go on your SSH server et select the empty directory where you want install the website and the API
cd /var/www/html
- Clone the repo
git clone .
- Install database with
mysql -u <your-database-user> -p <your-database-name> < setup/database.sql
- Remove setup folder
rm -r setup
- Edit the
$settings = array(
"my" => array(
"hostname" => "< your database host >",
"database" => "< your database name >",
"username" => "< your database user >",
"password" => "< your database pass >",
"instance" => null
"mail" => array(
"ReportTo" => "< email that will receive all reports >",
"from" => "< sender's mail >",
"SMTPDebug" => 0,
"isSMTP" => true,
"Host" => "< stmp server host >",
"SMTPAuth" => true,
"Username" => "< stmp server user >",
"Password" => "< stmp server pass >",
"SMTPSecure"=> "ssl",
"CharSet" => "UTF-8",
"Encoding" => "base64",
"Port" => 465,
"instance" => null
"api" => array(
"mapbox" => "< your mapbox api key >"
Field | Type | Description | Required |
problem | number | The id of the problem that happened | Yes |
comment | text | Comment describing the problem | Yes |
location | location | Object describing the location | Yes |
Field | Type | Description | Required |
street | Text | The street where the problem is | Yes |
number | text | The house number where the problem is | No |
city | text | The city where the problem is | Yes |
longitude | number | The longitude of the location (like: X.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) | No |
latitude | number | The latitude of the location (like: XX.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) | No |
## | Problem | ## | Problem | ## | Problem | ## | Problem |
1 | Hole in footpath | 2 | Hole in bicycle path | 3 | Damaged footpath | 4 | Damaged bicycle path |
5 | Unclear marking pedestrian crossing | 6 | Unclear marking bicycle path | 7 | Snow, frost, slipperiness | 8 | Glass |
9 | Blocked guiding lines for blind people | 10 | Obstructive intake of footpath | 11 | Obstructive intake of bicycle path | 12 | Sign gone/moved |
13 | Traffic light defect | 14 | Traffic light button defect | 15 | Problem with VMS sign | 16 | Bicycle counter defect |
17 | Always full | 18 | In need of reparation | 19 | Weed / trash | 20 | Left bicycles |
21 | Suggestion for sheltered/indoor bicycle rack | 22 | Broken cycling pump | 23 | Broken/empty cycling lights vending machine | 24 | Broken repair machine |
25 | Unaccessible footpath for wheelchairs | 26 | Dangerous crossing for cyclists/pedestrians | 27 | Dangerous situation for cyclists/pedestrians | 28 | Crowdedness on footpaths |
29 | Missing/defect street lights | 30 | Other |
"report" :
"problem" : "10",
"comment" : "Something happened",
"street" : "Randomstreet",
"number" : "1-12b",
"city" : "Brussel",
"longitude": 4.3496181131285745,
"latitude" : 50.86576889787819
- Access to the website, just go on the dedicated domain:
- Access to the dashboard (default login:: username:
; password:TheGuardians!
)GET /dashboard
- See the list of problems for a specific day (ie: the
19th July 2019
)GET /problem/2019-07-19?page=1
- See a specific report (ie: report
)GET /problem/42
- Update the status of a report (possible values:
)Request body (ie: The reportPOST /problem/update
){ "id" : 12, "status": "FIXED" }
WARNING: The report object doesn't include CSRF token or captcha system
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.