Live demo:
This repository contains a sample VueJS app written entirely in TypeScript. It uses vue-property-decorator and vuex-class decorators along w/ ES 2016 style class syntax for easier digestion by Angular developers.
It uses Cloud Firestore for serverless backend providing a flexible, scablable NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data for mobile, web and server development through the Google Cloud Platform.
It also uses Firebase for user authentication, hosting and Cloud Functions to secure sensitive code and provide immediate scalability.
This project uses Vuetify and Stylus for CSS. Vuetify is a set of components based on CSS Flexbox and offers a world class set of reusable components.
- feat: calendar view
- feat: timeline view
- feat: filter by tag
- feat: export to external calendar
- feat: ability to comment on a topic
- tech: move "like" to Firebase cloud function
- tech: get automatic deploy working
- tech: add unit tests w/ Jest
- tech: add integration tests w/ Cypress
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint