This library is open source client library for Naturhouse CRM, mainly for support affiliate partners. API description
Naturhouse public API supports:
- get list of branches
- get list of packages provided for clients
- get list of contact times (possibilities when to call to created contact)
- create contact
- get created contact (to verify its state)
using composer:
$ composer require oaoa/naturhouse-api-v2
The simplest scenario is:
- fetch list of active branches
- create contact
- check contact state
$configuration = [
'hostname' => '',
'auth_token' => 'seecret token; you can get one from Naturhouse',
$client = new \Naturhouse\Client($configuration);
// fetch list of all active branches
$branches = $client->getBranches();
// prepare contact data
$contact = new \Naturhouse\Entities\Contact();
$contact->setNote('testovaci kontakt');
// create contact
$response = $client->createContact($contact);
$contactId = $response->getId();
//fetch contact state
$fetchedContact = $client->getContact($contactId);
// print contact state
} catch(\Naturhouse\Exceptions\ClientException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Be careful, branches can change in > 10 minutes, so do NOT cache them longer than day. If you create contact to inactive branch, API will respond with error.