Example project how-to use oatpp ApiClient and how it works.
See more:
oatpp ApiClient
is a mechanism which enables you to generate Web Api Clients in declarative manner.
Under the hood it uses provided RequestExecutor
to perform http requests. Thus you are abstracted from the low-level http-client library implementation and can substitute any other http-client library at any time with zero code changes.
Roughly you may treat oatpp ApiClient
as Java Retrofit for C++.
In this example you can configure to use such RequestExecutors:
- oatpp-curl - RequestExecutor for oatpp's ApiClient based on libcurl.
- oatpp out-of-the-box provided RequestExecutor
Please note: it is recommended to use native out-of-the-box oatpp::web::client::HttpRequestExecutor
. It is better integrated
with oatpp and supports additional features like connection pools, retries, streaming of large data, and custom transport substitution.
In this example you will find:
built for http://httpbin.org/ web service.- Simple (Synchronous) API calls example.
- Async API calls example processed with
|- CMakeLists.txt // projects CMakeLists.txt
|- src/
| |- DemoApiClient.hpp // ApiClient built for http://httpbin.org/ web service
| |- DemoApiModels.hpp // DTOs objects for DemoApiClient
| |- SimpleExample.hpp // Simple (Synchronous) API calls example
| |- AsyncExample.hpp // Async API calls example
| |- App.cpp // main is here
|- test/ // test folder
|- utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh // utility script to install required oatpp-modules.
Curl installed. You may refer to this sh script - how to install curl - install-curl.sh.
Or try something like$ apk add curl-dev
modules installed. You may runutility/install-oatpp-modules.sh
script to install required oatpp modules.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./example-api-client-exe # - run application.
$ docker build -t example-api-client .
$ docker run -t example-api-client
for simple (synchronous) calls.
for non-blocking Async calls.
class DemoApiClient : public oatpp::web::client::ApiClient {
#include OATPP_CODEGEN_BEGIN(ApiClient)
API_CALL("GET", "get", doGet)
API_CALL("POST", "post", doPost, BODY_STRING(String, body))
API_CALL_ASYNC("GET", "get", doGetAsync)
API_CALL_ASYNC("POST", "post", doPostAsync, BODY_STRING(String, body))
#include OATPP_CODEGEN_END(ApiClient)
auto data = client->doGet()->readBodyToString();
OATPP_LOGD(TAG, "[doGet] data='%s'", data->c_str());
auto data = client->doPost("Some data passed to POST")->readBodyToString();
OATPP_LOGD(TAG, "[doPost] data='%s'", data->c_str());
class SendCoroutine : public oatpp::async::Coroutine<SendCoroutine> {
std::shared_ptr<DemoApiClient> m_client;
SendCoroutine(const std::shared_ptr<DemoApiClient> client) : m_client(client) {}
Action act() override {
return m_client->doPostAsync("<POST-DATA-HERE>").callbackTo(&SendDtoCoroutine::onResponse);
Action onResponse(const std::shared_ptr<Response>& response) {
return response->readBodyToStringAsync().callbackTo(&SendDtoCoroutine::onBody);
Action onBody(const oatpp::String& body) {
OATPP_LOGD(TAG, "[SendCoroutine. doPostAsync] data='%s'", body->c_str());
return finish();
In App.cpp
method run
Try to substitute different RequestExecutors
by switching from Curl to oatpp built-in request executor.
void run(){
/* Create ObjectMapper for serialization of DTOs */
auto objectMapper = oatpp::parser::json::mapping::ObjectMapper::createShared();
/* Create RequestExecutor which will execute ApiClient's requests */
//auto requestExecutor = createOatppExecutor(); // <-- Uncomment this
auto requestExecutor = createCurlExecutor(); // <-- Comment this
/* DemoApiClient uses DemoRequestExecutor and json::mapping::ObjectMapper */
/* ObjectMapper passed here is used for serialization of outgoing DTOs */
auto client = DemoApiClient::createShared(requestExecutor, objectMapper);