TimeLine is LMS (Learning Management System) platform created as a school project (KYH).
- Download git folder: || git clone https://github.com/obed123456/LMS
- Write "git init".
- Create your branch || git checkout -b
- Write "git status".
- Write git add .filename / "folder name"
- Write git commit -m "write comment"
- Submit changes to Github. || git push --set-upstream origin "your_branch"
- Try this if you are not connected to staging || git branch --set-upstream-to = origin / staging
- Code indentation 2 spaces = 1 tab.
- Folder structure HTML, CSS, JS and IMG are all divided into separate folders. HTML pages are also divided into admin, teacher and student.
- Main CSS file is dashboard.css
- Use section divider to clarify code to which part of the page it belongs to.
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request to staging.
Follow Product backlog on our trello board for issues to fix. https://trello.com/b/uET2rPr4/scrum-board
Obed Samuel (obed123456), Magnus Wallin (mangster80), Anna Larsson (annaLarsson), Patrik Ellboj (patrikellboj), Elias Liljegard (student899), Joakim Luong (jkidkid).