Digilent provides Pcam reference design for the Zybo board. Unfortunately the design is delivered in a non-versioncontrollable way (ZIP files) and does not build out of the box and hence it is a bad starting point for student projects.
This repo contains the exact same reference design without any functional changes, just cleaned up and made version-control friendly.
A .gitignore file ignoring all non version controlled files is provided,
After a fresh clone follow the steps below to build the vivado project:
- Open Vivado 2023.1
- In the Vivado TCL shell, navigate to [root]/vivado (using
cd <dir>
) - In the Vivado TCL shell, type
source ./projectNew.tcl
- In the Vivado TCL shell, navigate to [root]/vivado (using
cd <dir>
) - In the Vivado TCL shell, type
write_project_tcl -paths_relative_to . -origin_dir_override . -force ./projectNew.tcl
After a fresh clone follow the steps below to build the vitis project:
- Open Vitis 2023.1 - use the old GUI (not the experimental one)
- Open a new workspace, anywhere on your filesystem (outside of the version controlled working-copy)
- Menu-entry File > Import ....
- Select Eclipse workspace or ZIP file
- Select the directory [root]/vitis/ws
- Select all projects, unselect Copy projects into workspace checkbox
- Menu entry Vitis > XSCT Console
- In the XSCT Console, navigate to [root]/vitis/ws (using
cd <dir>
) - In the XSCT Console, type
source ./regenerate.tcl
None, just commit the modified files in [root]/vitis/ws.