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Merge pull request #384 from moazzammoriani/fannkuchredux
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Add new version of fannkuchredux and a multicore version
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Sudha247 authored Aug 24, 2022
2 parents 5ec1eaf + 926f639 commit c6b4d24
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Showing 9 changed files with 342 additions and 149 deletions.
20 changes: 14 additions & 6 deletions benchmarks/benchmarksgame/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
(executables (names binarytrees5 fannkuchredux fannkuchredux2 fasta3 fasta6
(executables (names binarytrees5 fasta3 fasta6
knucleotide knucleotide3 mandelbrot6 nbody pidigits5
regexredux2 revcomp2 spectralnorm2)
(modes native byte)
(libraries unix str zarith))
(modules binarytrees5 fasta3 fasta6
knucleotide knucleotide3 mandelbrot6 nbody pidigits5
regexredux2 revcomp2 spectralnorm2)
(modes native byte)
(libraries unix str zarith))

(executable (name fannkuchredux)
(modules fannkuchredux)
(modes native byte)
(ocamlopt_flags -noassert -unsafe))

(targets input25000000.txt)
Expand All @@ -15,13 +23,13 @@
(action (with-stdout-to %{targets} (run %{prog} 5_000_000 > %{targets}))))

(alias (name buildbench)
(deps binarytrees5.exe fannkuchredux.exe fannkuchredux2.exe fasta3.exe
fasta6.exe knucleotide.exe knucleotide3.exe mandelbrot6.exe
(deps binarytrees5.exe fasta3.exe
fasta6.exe fannkuchredux.exe knucleotide.exe knucleotide3.exe mandelbrot6.exe
nbody.exe pidigits5.exe regexredux2.exe revcomp2.exe
spectralnorm2.exe input25000000.txt input5000000.txt))

(alias (name bytebench)
(deps binarytrees5.bc fannkuchredux.bc fannkuchredux2.bc fasta3.bc
(deps binarytrees5.bc fannkuchredux.bc fasta3.bc
fasta6.bc knucleotide.bc knucleotide3.bc mandelbrot6.bc
nbody.bc pidigits5.bc regexredux2.bc revcomp2.bc
spectralnorm2.bc input25000000.txt input5000000.txt))
Expand Down
177 changes: 118 additions & 59 deletions benchmarks/benchmarksgame/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,66 +1,125 @@
(* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
* Contributed by Paolo Ribeca, August 2011
* (Based on the Java version by Oleg Mazurov)

from Scala version by Otto Bommer, August 2010
let n = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) with _ -> 7

let fannkuch n =
let perm1 = Array.make n 0 in for i = 0 to (n-1) do perm1.(i) <- i done;
let perm = Array.make n 0 in
let count = Array.make n 0 in
let flips = ref 0
and maxflips = ref 0
and checksum = ref 0
and nperm = ref 0
and r = ref n in
while !r > 0 do
(* Printf.printf "perm="; i := 0; while !i < n do Printf.printf "%d " perm1.(!i); i := !i +1; done; Printf.printf "\n"; *)
for i = 0 to n-1 do perm.(i) <- perm1.(i) done;
let workers = 32

while !r != 1 do count.(!r-1) <- !r; r := !r - 1; done;

flips := 0;
let k = ref perm.(0) in
while !k != 0 do
let t = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to !k / 2 do
t := perm.(i);
perm.(i) <- perm.(!k - i);
perm.(!k - i) <- !t;

k := perm.(0);
flips := !flips + 1;

maxflips := max !maxflips !flips;
checksum := !checksum + !flips * (1 - (!nperm land 1) lsl 1);

let go = ref true in
let t = ref 0 in
while !go do
if !r == n then begin go := false; r := 0; end
t := perm1.(0);
for i = 0 to !r - 1 do perm1.(i) <- perm1.(i+1) done;
perm1.(!r) <- !t;

count.(!r) <- count.(!r) - 1;
if count.(!r) > 0 then go := false
else r := !r + 1;

nperm := !nperm + 1;
module Perm =
type t = { p: int array;
pp: int array;
c: int array }
let facts =
let n = 20 in
let res = Array.make (n + 1) 1 in
for i = 1 to n do
res.(i) <- i * res.(i - 1)
(* Setting up the permutation based on the given index *)
let setup n idx =
let res = { p = Array.init n (fun i -> i);
pp = Array.make n 1;
c = Array.make n 1 }
and idx = ref idx in
for i = n - 1 downto 0 do
let d = !idx / facts.(i) in
res.c.(i) <- d;
idx := !idx mod facts.(i);
Array.blit res.p 0 res.pp 0 (i + 1);
for j = 0 to i do
res.p.(j) <- if j + d <= i then res.pp.(j + d) else res.pp.(j + d - i - 1)
(* Getting the next permutation *)
let next { p = p; c = c; _ } =
let plen = Array.length p in
let f = ref p.(1) in
p.(1) <- p.(0);
p.(0) <- !f;
let i = ref 1 in
let aug_c = ref (c.(!i) + 1) in
c.(!i) <- !aug_c;
while !aug_c > !i do
c.(!i) <- 0;
incr i;
let n = p.(1) in
p.(0) <- n;
let red_i = !i - 1 in
for j = 1 to red_i do
if plen > j+1 then begin p.(j) <- p.(j + 1); end else ()
if plen > !i then begin
p.(!i) <- !f;
f := n;
end else ();
aug_c := c.(!i) + 1;
c.(!i) <- !aug_c
(* Counting the number of flips *)
let count { p = p ; pp = pp; _ } =
let f = ref p.(0) and res = ref 1 in
if p.(!f) <> 0 then begin
let len = Array.length p in
let red_len = len - 1 in
for i = 0 to red_len do pp.(i) <- p.(i) done;
while pp.(!f) <> 0 do
incr res;
let lo = ref 1 and hi = ref (!f - 1) in
while !lo < !hi do
let t = pp.(!lo) in
pp.(!lo) <- pp.(!hi);
pp.(!hi) <- t;
incr lo;
decr hi
let ff = !f in
let t = pp.(ff) in
pp.(ff) <- ff;
f := t

(!maxflips, !checksum);
let fr n lo hi =
let p = Perm.setup n lo
and c = ref 0 and m = ref 0
and red_hi = hi - 1 in
for i = lo to red_hi do let r = Perm.count p in
c := !c + r * (1 - (i land 1) lsl 1);
if r > !m then
m := r; p
(!c, !m)

let _ =
let n = try int_of_string(Sys.argv.(1)) with _ -> 7 in
let (maxflips, checksum) = fannkuch n in
Printf.printf "%d\nPfannkuchen(%d) = %d\n" checksum n maxflips
let main s_n =
let n = s_n in
let chunk_size = Perm.facts.(n) / workers
and rem = Perm.facts.(n) mod workers in
let w = ref (Array.init workers (fun _ -> (0, 0))) in
for i = 0 to (workers-1) do
Printf.printf "%d" i;
let lo = i * chunk_size + min i rem in
let hi = lo + chunk_size + if i < rem then 1 else 0 in
!w.(i) <- fr s_n lo hi
let c = ref 0 and m = ref 0 in
(fun (nc, nm) ->
c := !c + nc;
m := max !m nm)
Printf.printf "%d\nPfannkuchen(%d) = %d\n" !c n !m

let _ =
main n;
61 changes: 0 additions & 61 deletions benchmarks/benchmarksgame/

This file was deleted.

8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion benchmarks/multicore-numerical/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,9 +113,15 @@
(modules evolutionary_algorithm_multicore)
(libraries domainslib))

(name fannkuchredux_multicore)
(modules fannkuchredux_multicore)
(libraries domainslib)
(ocamlopt_flags -noassert -unsafe))

(name multibench_parallel)
(deps mandelbrot6_multicore.exe spectralnorm2_multicore.exe quicksort.exe
(deps fannkuchredux_multicore.exe mandelbrot6_multicore.exe spectralnorm2_multicore.exe quicksort.exe
quicksort_multicore.exe binarytrees5_multicore.exe
game_of_life.exe game_of_life_multicore.exe
matrix_multiplication.exe matrix_multiplication_multicore.exe
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