This branch/clone/whatever git calls it of the official Facebook GUI does a few things:
- It includes a header.php document you can use with PHP's auto_prepend_file directive. It sets up profiling by initilizing a few variables, and settting register_shutdown_function with the fooder. Once started profiles are done when requested (?_profile=1), or randomly. Profiled pages display a link to their profile results at the bottom of the page (this can be disabled on a black list bases for specific documents. e.g. pages generating XML, images, etc.).
- For tips on including header.php on an nginx + php-fpm install take a look at:
- The GUI is a bit prettier (Thanks to Graham Slater)
- It uses a MySQL backend, the database schema is stored in xhprof_runs.php
- There's a front end to view different runs, compare runs to the same url, etc.
Key features include:
- Listing 25, 50 most recent runs
- Display most expensive (cpu), longest running, or highest memory usage runs for the day
- It introduces the concept of "Similar" URLs. Consider:
- While the URLs are different, the PHP code execution path is likely identical, by tweaking the method in xhprof_runs.php you can help the front end be aware that these urls are identical.
- Highcharts is used to graph stats over requests for an easy heads up display.
- Zlib library in PHP: (Used to compress serialized data)
- Database backend
- MySQL, or MySQLi for data storage fully supported
- Support for SQL Server now in beta stages #jumpInCamp
Work that we're still doing:
- The aggregation functionality is ignored completely
- The code is... a mess. Deadlines do that to you, we're working on it
- The default table schema isn't indexed all the places it needs to be
- Easier ways to diff URLs