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Bambu and Voron Frequently asked questions.
A large curated over 6+ years set of Voron and other 3D printing bookmark/favourites resources, importable into your favourite browser.
A number of useful diagrams and common schematics used by Voron printers in one handy location to save you scouring the internet.
Numerous guides and similar resources describing how to use Shake n Tune, drying, slicer choices, adhesion, levelling well and other useful things.
Debian/raspbian, commonly used by Voron users, linux commands that I can never remember so I put them in one place.
Configs for all of my printers, past and present; specifically my Vorons. Also some useful other reference data and a summary of the upgrades that I have performed on my Voron Trident 350
Highly recommended curated list of tools for 3D printing, electrical items and also my personal filament experiences.
My personal collections of STLs from various STL sites that I've curated over time along with links to many additional STL resources around the internet.