A simple template for building a fast, static website using the Eleventy static site generator, with your headless CMS of choice, on Stackbit in a couple of clicks.
Use it as a starter for your own projects or as an easy way to get started building websites with Eleventy.
Based on the Eleventy Netlify Boilerplate by Dan Urbanowicz.
- Sample pages and blog with tag support
- CSS 2kb minified, inlined for fastest page render
- Pre-builds and minifies your HTML
- Responsive CSS Grid layout, with fallbacks (see Browser Support)
- Uses Markdown files for content
- Uses Liquid and/or Nunjucks templates for layout
- 100% Javascript framework free
- Optional pipeline for minified inline JS
Clicking the button above will start the Stackbit project creation wizard with this theme and Eleventy pre-selected as your chosen site generator. Simple pick your preferred CMS. This is powered by a single config file, stackbit.yaml, which defines a Uniform theme model and enables integration with CMS like Contentful, DatoCMS, Forestry, NetlifyCMS, etc.
git clone https://github.com/stackbithq/eleventy-stackbit-boilerplate.git my-blog-name
cd my-blog-name
Specifically have a look at .eleventy.js
to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.
npm install
This file contains your site title and author details.
npx eleventy
Or build automatically when a template changes:
npx eleventy --watch
Or in debug mode:
DEBUG=* npx eleventy