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Data Ingestion into Azure EventHub to NoSQL DB.

Architecture Diagram


Training video

Session Video

Appplication Setting

Key Value Comment
AzureWebJobsStorage [CONNECTION STRING] RECOMMENDATION : store in AzureKey Vault.
ConfigurationPath [CONFIGURATION FOLDER PATH] Folder is optional
ApiKeyName [API KEY NAME] Will be passed in the header : the file name of the config.
AppName [APPLICATION NAME] This is the name of the Function App. Used in log analytics
StorageAcctName [STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME] Example "AzureWebJobsStorage"
EventHubConnectionAppSetting [EVENT HUB CONNECTION STRING] Example "EventHubConnectionAppSetting"
DatabaseConnection [Data Base CONNECTION STRING] Example "DatabaseConnection"

Note: Look at the configuration file in the Config Folder and created a Table to record information.

Function App Configuration

Note: The Configuration is located in the FunctionApp in a Config Folder.

FileName Description
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37A.json Upload File Parse CSV file --> Write Batched Files To Storage
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37D.json Blob Trigger Read Parsed CSV files --> Converts To JSON --> Sends To Event Hub
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37B.json Event Hub Trigger Read JSON Array from Event Hub --> Writes to a NoSQL DB
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37E.json Event Hub Trigger Read JSON Array from Event Hub --> Writes to a Azure SQL DB
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37C.json Search NoSQL DB for ingested records
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37F.json Search Azure SQL DB for ingested records

Create the following blob containers and share in azure storage.

ContainerName Description
config Location for the configuration files
pickup Thes are files that are copied from the SFTP share and dropped in the pickup container. Used
processed These are files the have been parsed and dropped in th processed container
eventhubmessages Hold message retrieved from eventhub
Table Description
csvbatchfiles Track the CSV parsed files
training[YYYYMMDD] No SQL table to store uploaded CSV Files

Create eventhub namespace and consumergroup.

Table Description
training[YYYYMMDD] consumer group name


products links Comments
Azure Getting Started Create free account + $200 in Credit
Sample Data Sets Useful site for pulling sample payload
Azure Storage Explorer useful view and query data in azure table storage
Postman Postman supports the Web or Desktop Version
VsCode Required extensions. Azure Functions, Azure Account
VS Studio Community Edition Recommended. Nice intergration with Azure. software is free.


For questions related to this project, can be reached via email :- [email protected]


Azure Event Hub To NoSQL Database






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