Key | Value | Comment |
AzureWebJobsStorage | [CONNECTION STRING] | RECOMMENDATION : store in AzureKey Vault. |
ConfigurationPath | [CONFIGURATION FOLDER PATH] | Folder is optional |
ApiKeyName | [API KEY NAME] | Will be passed in the header : the file name of the config. |
AppName | [APPLICATION NAME] | This is the name of the Function App. Used in log analytics |
StorageAcctName | [STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME] | Example "AzureWebJobsStorage" |
TimerInterval | [TIMER_INTERVAL] | Example "0 */1 * * * *" 1 MIN |
Note: The Configuration is located in the FunctionApp in a Config Folder.
FileName | Description |
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37A.json | Upload CSV files --> Add to datastore |
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37B.json | Update an existing record |
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37C.json | Search Records in datastore |
43EFE991E8614CFB9EDECF1B0FDED37D.json | Create a new record in datastore |
3FB620B0E0FD4E8F93C9E4D839D00E1C.json | Uplad a CSV and create a batch |
products | links | Comments |
Azure Getting Started | | Create free account + $200 in Credit |
Azure Storage Explorer | | useful view and query data in azure table storage |
Postman | | Postman supports the Web or Desktop Version |
VsCode | | Required extensions. Azure Functions, Azure Account |
VS Studio Community Edition | | Recommended. Nice intergration with Azure. software is free. |
For questions related to this project, can be reached via email :- [email protected]