This project shows the temperature and humidity using the LCD. It uses a third party library to recover the DHT11 sensor data and to work out the comfort level. I use parts from the "ELEGOO Mega 2560 Project The Most Complete Ultimate Starter Kit" for this project.
I use the arduino-cli as I like to work from the command line. I install this using Homebrew on Mac OSX. I have Arduino IDE installed, however I only use it for the serial monitor. I haven't yet figured out how to do this from the command line. I have also installed the FTB USB to virtual serial port driver for OSX.
# To install command line on OSX:
brew install arduino-cli
Next up install the dependancies for the project. These are all configured in the Makefile. Your mileage my vary with this.
make setup
Now wire the project together using the following circuit diagram.
Once wired together plug-in the USB cable and the compile and upload the code. I've created a handy make target for this:
make all