An elegant, easy to configure and flexible one-class PHP library to handle uploaded files.
No fancy and unneccessary validator classes with 10-line files, or complicated object-based configuration. The classic PHP file uploading is an old, simple, legacy technique, it should be easy, and quick. With FileUpload, it IS.
...can be really simple:
$ok = (new FileUpload('fileFieldName'))->save('to/dir/');
and easily configured:
$ok = (new FileUpload('fileFieldName'))->saveName('myName')->save('to/dir/');
allowing more advanced settings:
$fu = new FileUpload( 'fileFieldName', array(
'saveName:full' => '\md5',
'allowMime' => 'application, !x-executable, !octet-stream',
'sizeLimit' => '3M' ) );
if( !$fu->save('to/dir/') )
{ echo $fu->getErrorMessage(); }
You can use the config argument of the constructor, or the similarly named chainable configuration methods.
saveName (string|callable): Save the file with this name. The original extension will be appended. Callable signature:
function( $fileObj ): string
If a string is prefixed with a backslash (eg.:"\md5"
), it is treated as a callable function.
Default is to save the file with the original name and extension. -
saveName:full (string|callable): Same as saveName, but the name is treated as a full file name, and no extension is appended.
saveDir (string|callable): Save the file to this destination directory. Trailing directory separator is optional. Callable signature:
function( $fileObj ): string
If a string is prefixed with a backslash (eg.:"\md5"
), it is treated as a callable function.
There is no default, this must be given. -
sizeLimit (string|array): Size limits for the file. A limit can be integer bytes or a string of a float + metric suffix. eg.: "3.4MB" or "500k". The min and max limits can be given as:
- a single value: a single limit
- in an array:
array( 500, "2M" ); array( NULL, "4.5g" ); array( "20k", NULL )
meaning no limit. - with a string: a dash ("-") separating the min - max limits:
,"- 1500KB"
Default limits:
array( 1, NULL );
allowMime (string|array): an array or a comma-separated list of MIME types with optional charset. The items are treated as regular expressions (passed to preg_match like
). If a mime is prefixed with an exclamation mark, that mime will be on the deny list. These are all valid:"application"
. -
allowExt (string|array): an array or a comma-separated list of extensions (without leading dot). The list is treated similarly as allowMime.
validator (callable): Callable signature:
function( $fileObj, &$message ): bool
A validator callback. A validator is passed the FileUpload object and an optional$message
variable, and must return true or false. If false is returned, the file check is terminated and the file won't be saved. A custom error message can be provided with the$message
argument. -
checkIsUploaded (boolean): If true, the file is checked if it's a valid PHP-uploaded file. (
). Default is true. -
overwrite (boolean): If true, destination file is overwritten if already exists. Default is false.
noThrow (boolean): If true, no exceptions are thrown, errors can be checked and retrieved with getError() and getErrorMessage(). Default is true.
For the configs allowing multiple items ( validator, allowMime, allowExt ), an additional accessor method is available,
prefixed with add: addAllowMime()
, addAllowExt()
, addValidator()
, appending a single item to the existing list.
You may use the following actions:
- config(): Set all config as an array.
- check(): Check the file.
- save(): Move the file to destination.
If you would like to handle an arbitrary file (not in $_FILES), pass a $_FILE - like array to the constructor, like:
$fu = new FileUpload( array(
'tmp_name' => 'path/to/file.ext' ) );
The only required key is tmp_name
, the rest is calculated.
checkIsUploaded is automatically set to false when an explicit file is given this way.
$success = (new FileUpload('fileFieldName'))->saveNameFull('\md5')->save('to/dir/');
$fu = new FileUpload('fileFieldName', array(
'saveDir' => array( $this, 'getDestinationDir' ),
'saveName:full' => function($file) { return ''; } ) );
try { $fu->noThrow(false)->addValidator( array($this,'validateFile') )->save(); }
catch( \Exception $e )
echo $fu->getErrorMessage();
- PHP >= 5.3.0
Conforming to PSR-0 and PSR-1. Feel free to change the namespace to suit your framework.