Please do not install Welcompose from now on as we dropped active development
Welcompose is a open source web content management system for small to middle Websites. It is focused on being flexible in building structure and content and is easy to use at once. It requires PHP5, Mysql5 and uses the latest smarty version for templating.
The foremost goal was to give HTMl/CSS aware programmers and designers a way to build there own site structure without any intrusion of the CMS itself. No markup is predefined/printed at all.
- Developers who creates CMS driven websites for their clients
- Designers who have a slightly knowledge of HTML/CSS but do not want to struggle with PHP
- Clients who have no HTML knowledge at all but want just take care of their website contents by themselves
If you are lookin for a click-to-go solution with hundreds of plugins, predefined content or/and uneditable markup and WYSIWYG text editing, Welcompose might be not for you. The System provides a easy and flexible way to build websites, but does not (and don't want to) compare with complex Systems like Typo3, Drupal a.s.o.
- Uses current technology (PHP5, Mysql5, Smarty latest)
- No code/markup intrusion, structure and markup is all up to you
- No proprietary syntax for page template creation
- 100% flexibility in building and combining page templates
- High Accessibility by seperating contents and templating
- Out of the box page types for blogs, simple content pages, date entry listings, guestbooks and more
- Comes with Textconverters Markdown, Textile and XHTML at least
- Content related management of media
- Intuitive and simple to learn backend for the developer but also the content editor
- Markup editor as a additional add on (MarkItUp!)
- Extensive options to build SEO web sites
- Platform and Browser independent (IE >= 9 at least)
Currently the documentation is only available in german language.
The user documenation is available online or/and as DocBook HTML Download (One page each chapter / One single page).
Also the current API Documentation (phpDocumentor) is available to download.
The AGPLv3 is applied to all core parts of the application.