Algorithmic implementation of the Avirai's proposition to solve KRYPTOS' K4 via the 'KRYPTOS' Vigenère's table with randomized initial position and symmetry transposition via a pair of inversed matrices (cf.
Launch decipher_k4 in CMD (no modules required). The positional arguments are:
keyword: The keyword for the Vigenère's table (e.g. 'KRYPTOS')
start_pos: The starting letter in the Vigenère's table (e.g. 'A')
input_string: The known cipher string (e.g. 'FLRVQQPRNGKSS')
output_string: The known plaintext string (e.g. 'EASTNORTHEAST')
admitted_n-mismatches: The allowed number of mismatches between the cipher and plaintext strings
Thus, 'python KRYPTOS A QQPRNGKSS NORTHEAST 2' produces:
Source Matrix ||| Target Matrix
K/H B W E I ||| I E W B K/H
V L N C X ||| X C N L V
F Z J Y G ||| G Y J Z F
A M Q O D ||| D O Q M A
T P S U R ||| R U S P T
Phase 1 transformation: NMURIBNSR
Phase 2 transformation: NOPTK/HENST
Which means that 'NMURIBNSR' is obtained from ciphertext 'QQPRNGKSS' if the process starts at the letter A in the the 'KRYPTOS' Vigenère's table; then 'NOPTK/HENST' is produced via the found pair of matrices, where the source matrix takes every letter in 'NMURIBNSR' then translates them via the target matrix to obtain 'NOPTK/HENST', or simply 'NOPTHENST', where two letters mismatch the plaintext, as defined by the last argument '2'.
More combinations of 'keyword' and 'start_pos' must be tested.
Yet, KRYPTOS' K4 doesn't budge for now over 35 years, despite the efforts of thousands of cryptanalysts, mathematicians, and artists. It is a testament to poor ciphering decisions and the creator's amateurism.
It will die out with its creator soon enough, he's 75 after all. Such flawed codes should be forgotten.