This is a flat-file, single page application that presents data from Norwegian Statistic (SSB: Statistisk Sentralbyrå).
SSB has a very cool and completely open API for their data at:
Check it out! The API is bi-lingual, by the way.
The API uses the JSON-stat format, so this SPA thingie uses JSONstat.js (JJT) and JSONstat.utils.js to parse the data. Check out JJT here:
SSB SPA is sortable! Click the table headers to sort by column. And its bi-lingual (English and Norwegian).
Click the big, black header thingie up top to check out what datasets SSB has on tap. Select one. Click "NO" or "EN" to change language: EN for English, NO for Norwegian (default). Click a table header to sort the tables ascending by that column.' Click again to sort descending. Click a row to highlight it. Click "Show settings" to, uh, show settings, which lets you change the table setup to your heart's desire.
Thee's no installation really; it's all just flat files. It's database free, so just put it on a host and open index.html in a browser. Or put it on a server or map up localhost, it's entirely up to you.
Uses jQuery3 (from a CDN) as well as JSONstat.js and the JSONstat utilities suite.
This was done for a very specific demo/challenge, so it's unlikely to be expanded much on, at least by me myself and I. But feel free to jump in an branch! Some thoughts for possible future endeavours are:
- It should be pretty straight-forward to hook this up with chart.js (or any other charting library) to make some awesome charts!
- It's not really very mobile friendly, but... these are basically huge tables full of big data. That's not really all that swipeable.
- Design is fairly basic.