This is a Web front end to the Olin College of Engineering Library's Amorphous Blob of Events.
Design, developer, Olin community member — you can help:
- Use ABE
- Tell people about ABE
- Enter events into the calendar
- Give us feedback
Usability and design issues are labeled with
The contribution guidelines describe how to run the project on your development machine.
Please check out the the open issues. Good first issues are labeled with good first issue
Built during the Software of Summer by @kylecombes, @audreywl, and @aidankmcl.
Additional contributions during Hacking the Library '18 by @osteele, @HALtheWise, and @iblancett.
MIT License
We'd like to extend a special thank you to
BrowserStack for providing us with their testing
service free of charge. BrowserStack allows us to test our project in a
multitude of browsers on various platforms, including IE, Safari, Android and
iOS, to ensure compatibility with as many as possible.