Releases: olin/studentgovernment
Founding documents re-ratified on 2/12/2020
This represents the founding documents as ratified at a town hall on 2/12/2020. This includes the constitutions, bylaws, and honor code.
version 3.2.0.
Added formal winter election process, updated audit process, and changed the name of the list of student groups.
version 3.1.0
Updated CORe committee appointment process, generalized the forms that transparency documents could take, generalized who bylaw amendments could be brought to, and added
version 3.0.3
- fixed a versioning bug
version 3.0.2
- added release system
- restructured repo
version 3.0.1
- fixed a broken link in the constitution
version 3.0.0
This represents the Student Government Founding Documents directly after the re-ratification of the constitution in the Spring of 2018.
release test
will it scratch?
version 2.0.0
This represents the Student Government Founding Documents directly after the 2015 Restructuring.
version 1.0.1
This is the state of the Student Government Constitution prior to the 2015 Restructuring. At this point in time there were no bylaws, only the constitution.