This is the code for the PGA-MAP-Elites algorithm as published at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) in 2021 where it recived a Best Paper award ( The paper can be found here.
PGA-MAP-Elites combines MAP-Elites and Actor-Critic DRL by training a critic network off-policy based on experience collected when evaluating solutions.
This addresses some limitations of MAP-Elites by:
Incorporating gradient-based search for increased search power.
Using an Action-Value function approximation that smooths the target policy and acts as an implicit averaging or smoothing of behaviours, leading to learning behaviours that don’t converge to narrow peaks in the fitness landscape and therefore are less sensitive to noise/stochasticity.
Based on the TD3 paper and the CVT-MAP-Elites implemetation from here
Evaluated on four stochastic tasks from QDgym where the task is to discover ways to walk.
- Behaviour: Feet contact time.
- Fitness: Walking Distance
- Controller: NN with ~ 20000 parameters.
Here is a few examples of produced behaviours:
The performance measures used are:
QD-Score: The progression of the sum of fitness in the archive.
Coverage: The progression of the total number of solutions in the archive.
Max Fitness: The progression of the overall highest fitness solution in the archive.
The bottom plots show the progression of the max fitness averaged over 10 evaluations. This is used as a statistic for assessing the robustness of the single evaluation used to add solutions to the archive. Only a single evaluation is used to add solutions to the archive in the algorithm.
Each experiment is repeated 20 times with different random seeds and the solid line displays the median and the shaded area is bounded by the first and third quartiles.
- Typical final archives for QDHalfCheetah and QDWalker:
- Cumulative fitness density plots. These represent the likely number of solutions found in a fitness range for a given run of the algorithm. Calculated as the average over 20 seeds:
git clone
cd PGA-MAP-Elites/
PGA-MAP-Elites requires to install:
- Python=3.6
- torch==1.7.1
- numpy==1.19.5
- gym==0.15.4
- pybullet==3.0.8
- Cython==0.29.21
- scikit-learn==0.21.3
- QDgym
these can be installed via the requirements file:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If the installation fails, it will likely be due to your pip version being too old for the requirements of opencv (gym dependency). See The solution is likely to upgrade pip.
pip install --upgrade pip
With the correct dependencies installed the code can be run by:
takes a range of arguments which is easiest to pass as a .txt by using the --config_file
python3 --config_file path/to/config_file/config_file.txt
A range of config files is included in the configure_experiment
- local_config.txt
- QDHalfCheetah_config.txt
- QDWalker_config.txt
- QDAnt_config.txt
- QDHopper_config.txt
The QDHalfCheetah_config.txt, QDWalker_config.txt, QDAnt_config.txt, QDHopper_config.txt are the configs used to run the experiments that produced the results presented above and in the GECCO paper. Although these configs are unlikely to run on your local computer as they are setup to run on resources available on an HPC system. The local_config.txt is set up to run the code locally for debugging/testing so I recommend you use the below for testing the code locally:
python3 --config_file configure_experiment/local_config.txt
If you get "Too many open files" errors, this has to do with limitations imposed by your os and is not an error related to the code. Depending on your system, this may be solved by:
ulimit -n 4000
The config file passed can be used to pass the following arguments:
Argument | Comment |
--config_file | # Config file to load args (Typically you would only specify this arg) |
--env | # Environment name (only QDgym envs will run) |
--seed | # Seed |
--save_path | # Path where to save results |
--dim_map | # Dimentionality of behaviour space |
--n_niches | # Nr. of niches/cells of behaviour |
--n_species | # Nr. of species/cells in species archive (The species archive is disabled in the GECCO paper by setting n_species=1. See: "What is the Species Archive?" |
--max_evals | # Nr. of evaluations (I) |
--mutation_op | # Mutation operator to use (Set to None in GECCO paper) |
--crossover_op | # Crossover operator to use (Set to iso_dd aka directional variation in GECCO paper which we implement as a mutation and crossover in one) |
--min_genotype | # Minimum value a gene in the genotype can take (if False no limit) (Set to False in GECCO paper) |
--max_genotype | # Maximum value a gene in the genotype can take (if False no limit) (Set to False in GECCO paper) |
--mutation_rate | # Probablity of a gene to be mutated (Not used in GECCO paper. iso_dd mutates all genes unconditionally) |
--crossover_rate | # Probablity of genotypes being crossed over (Not used in GECCO paper. iso_dd crosses all genes unconditionally) |
--eta_m | # Parameter for polynomial mutation (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--eta_c | # Parameter for Simulated Binary Crossover (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--sigma | # Sandard deviation for gaussian mutation (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--iso_sigma | # Gaussian parameter in iso_dd/directional variation (sigma_1) |
--line_sigma | # Line parameter in iso_dd/directional variation (sigma_2) |
--max_uniform | # Max mutation for uniform mutation (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--cvt_samples | # Nr. of samples to use when approximating archive cell-centroid locations |
--eval_batch_size | # Batch size for parallel evaluation of policies (b) |
--random_init | # Number of random evaluations to initialise (G) |
--init_batch_size | # Batch size for parallel evaluation during random init (b) |
--save_period | # How many evaluations between saving archives? |
--num_cpu | # Nr. of CPUs to use in parallel evaluation |
--num_cpu_var | # Nr. of CPUs to use in parallel variation |
--use_cached_cvt | # Use cached centroids for archive if available? |
--not_discard_dead | # Don't discard solutions that do not survive the entire simulation (Set to not discard in GECCO paper) |
--neurons_list | # List of neurons in actor-network layers. Network will be of form [neurons_list + [action dim]] |
--train_batch_size | # Batch size for both actors and critic (N) |
--discount | # Discount factor for critic (gamma) |
--tau | # Target networks update rate (tau) |
--policy_noise | # Noise added to target during critic update (sigma_p) |
--noise_clip | # Range to clip target noise to (c) |
--policy_freq | # Frequency of delayed actor and target updates (d) |
--nr_of_steps_crit | # Nr of. training steps for critic training (n_crit) |
--nr_of_steps_act | # Nr of. training steps for PG variation (n_grad) |
--proportion_evo | # Proportion of batch to use GA variation (n_evo = proportion_evo * b. Set to 0.5 in GECCO paper) |
--normalise | # Use layer norm (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--affine | # Use affine transformation with layer norm (Not used in GECCO paper) |
--gradient_op | # Use PG variation |
--lr | # Learning rate PG variation |
If any argument is not specified in the config.txt file the default will be used. The default values of all arguments can be found by inspecting the
If the CVT centroids that are required by the specified configuration do not exist then they will be automatically generated before the algorithm is launched. A range of pre-computed CVTs is available in the CVT
The best way to generate config files is to use the automated method implemented in the
file. This uses a base config file and generates configs by specifying the difference in argument values to achieve the desired config. For example:
if __name__ == "__main__":
base_config = "QDAnt_config.txt"
variables_1 = ["env", "seed", "dim_map", "n_niches", "max_evals", "neurons_list"]
ranges_1 = [["QDAntBulletEnv-v0"], range(20), [4], [1296], [1000000], ["128 128"]]
param_grid_1 = generate_grid_configs(variables_1, ranges_1)
variables_2 = ["env", "seed", "dim_map", "n_niches", "max_evals", "neurons_list"]
ranges_2 = [["QDWalker2DBulletEnv-v0"], range(20), [2], [1024], [1000000], ["128 128"]]
param_grid_2 = generate_grid_configs(variables_2, ranges_2)
variables_3 = ["env", "seed", "dim_map", "n_niches", "max_evals", "neurons_list"]
ranges_3 = [["QDHalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0"], range(20), [2], [1024], [1000000], ["128 128"]]
param_grid_3 = generate_grid_configs(variables_3, ranges_3)
variables_4 = ["env", "seed", "dim_map", "n_niches", "max_evals", "neurons_list"]
ranges_4 = [["QDHopperBulletEnv-v0"], range(20), [1], [1000], [1000000], ["128 128"]]
param_grid_4 = generate_grid_configs(variables_4, ranges_4)
configs = param_grid_1 + param_grid_2 + param_grid_3 + param_grid_4
base = get_base_conf(base_config)
for i, conf in enumerate(configs):
name = f"config_{i+1 + 0}"
write_conf_file(base, conf, name)
will generate config files enumerated from config_1.txt
to config_80.txt
using QDAnt_config.txt
as a base when running:
The above snippet will generate configs to run each QDgym task for 20 seeds (exactly the configs used to get the results in the paper).
The different versions of the algorithm used in the paper can run be via the supplied singularity containers. To run these first install singularity (
To run a container do:
When the container executes the config to run is decided by the value of the environment variable $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
such that the config file passed will be configure_experiment/config_$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX.txt
. The config to run inside the container can thus be set by:
export PBS_ARRAY_INDEX some_integer
More specifically, running a container will invoke the following commands to create directories for saving results and launch the algorithm:
# create subfolder called results in the current directory
if [ ! -d ./results ]; then
mkdir results
cd /git/sferes2/exp/PGA-MAP-Elites/ # Location of code in container
# Create unique subdirectory within results where output will be written to
PATHNAME=PGA-MAP-Elites/$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S)_$$
mkdir -p $CURPATH/results/$PATHNAME
mkdir $CURPATH/results/$PATHNAME/models
mkdir $CURPATH/results/$PATHNAME/monitoring
cp configure_experiment/config_$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX.txt $CURPATH/results/$PATHNAME/ # Copy config file of experiment to results
python3 --save_path $CURPATH/results/$PATHNAME/ \
--config_file configure_experiment/config_$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX.txt # Launch algorithm
To replicate the results from the paper run the following containers and configs:
- PGA-MAP-Elites: PGA-MAP-Elites.sif
- PGA-MAP-Elites PG only version: PGA-MAP-Elites.sif
- MAP-Elites: MAP-Elites.sif
- TD3 w. Archive: TD3-MAP-Elites-Archive.sif
- MAP-Elites-ES:MAP-Elites-ES.sif
The QD-RL container will not be made public as the authors of QD-RL are yet to officially release their code.
We recommend using the following setting for the code to run optimally:
The output of the code will be saved in the location specified by the --save_path
argument. The output is three main files. The progress file, the actors file, and archive files. The log file is saved under args.save_path/progress_{file_name}.dat
with file_name = PGA-MAP-Elites_{args.env}_{args.seed}_{args.dim_map}
. After each batch the progress file will log in each column:
- Nr of Evaluations
- Coverage
- Max Fitness
- Mean Fitness
- Median Fitness
- 5th Percentile Fitness
- 95th Percentile Fitness
- Averaged Max Fitness (10 Evaluations)
- Averaged Max Fitness Behaviour Descriptor (10 Evaluations)
The actors file takes the form args.save_path/actors_{file_name}.dat
and saves information about each actor added to the main archive.
- Nr of Evaluations
- id
- Fitness
- Behaviour Descriptor
- Associated CVT centroid
- Parent 1 id
- Parent 2 id
- type (evo/gradient)
- novel (bool)
- delta fitness (compared to the previous solution in that cell)
Each --save_period
evaluations the state of the archive is saved under args.save_path/archive_{file_name}_{nr_of_evaluations}.dat
. The saves info about each actor currently in the archive:
- Fitness
- Assosiated CVT centroid
- Behaviour Descriptor
- id
The PyTorch network models are saved for all actors in the final archive under args.save_path/models/{file_name}_actor_id
In the code there are is a secondary archive called the "species archive" and a parameter --n_species
, neither of which are mentioned in the GECCO paper. What do these terms mean?
The species archive is a remnant from earlier versions of PGA-MAP-Elites where a slightly different method for training the critic was used. In this method, we used an additional MAP-Elites archive called the "species archive" to form a pool of diverse controllers for use in the critic training. This archive had a coarse discretization (typically 10 or fewer cells) where each cell represented a "species". The parameter --n_species
sets the number of cells in the species archive. The first solution found belonging to each species would be added to the archive and in the critic training, the action with the maximum action-value across all controllers in the species archive selected. The idea behind this method is that using controllers originating in different regions of the behavioural space would create better estimates for the best subsequent action in the critic training.
We found that the species archive method only had negligible benefits for the behavioural repertoire-building tasks in the paper and thus did not warrant the increased complexity of the algorithm. We still elected to keep the species archive in the code as it may be more beneficial in other tasks but effectively disabled it by setting --n_species=1
. By doing this the critic training method becomes the "greedy controller" method described in the GECCO paper.
TITLE = {{Policy Gradient Assisted MAP-Elites}},
AUTHOR = {Nilsson, Olle and Cully, Antoine},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference}},
ADDRESS = {Lille, France},
YEAR = {2021},
MONTH = Jul,
DOI = {10.1145/3449639.3459304},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-03135723},
title={Addressing Function Approximation Error in Actor-Critic Methods},
author={Fujimoto, Scott and Hoof, Herke and Meger, David},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
author = {Vassilis Vassiliades and
Konstantinos I. Chatzilygeroudis and
Jean{-}Baptiste Mouret},
title = {Scaling Up MAP-Elites Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1610.05729},
year = {2016},
url = {},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1610.05729},
timestamp = {Mon, 13 Aug 2018 16:48:10 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
arxivId = {1504.04909},
author = {Mouret, Jean-Baptiste and Clune, Jeff},
eprint = {1504.04909},
month = {apr},
title = {{Illuminating search spaces by mapping elites}},
url = {},
year = {2015}
title={Discovering the Elite Hypervolume by Leveraging Interspecies Correlation},
author={Vassiliades, Vassilis and Mouret, Jean-Baptiste},
journal={Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference },
organization={ACM} }"