Plugin that uses the Point Cloud Library to process point clouds.
2 Data converters are implemented to convert sofa pointclouds (~ vector) to pcl pointclouds (~ pointcloud) and vice versa.
Converts pcl point cloud to sofa vector.
<Vec2Pcl name="vec_convert" input="@component.vectorOf3dPoints" />
<!-- output can be accessed @vec_convert.outpcl -->
<Pcl2Vec name="vec_convect_back" inpcl="@vec_convert.outpcl" />
<!-- output can be accessed @vec_convert_back.output -->
2 simple filters are implemented for cleaning out converted pointclouds if needed.
<Vec2Pcl name="vec_convert" input="@component.vectorOf3dPoints" />
<!-- output can be accessed @vec_convert.outpcl -->
<!-- then we filter every point that is not in a the cube
with an arc length = 1, centered around 0 -->
alpha="1" />
2 Components that perform rigid registration using pcl's iterative closest point method. The first applies ICP on 2 different objects, while the second applies it on successive frames of pointcloud data (can be used for rigid SLAM).
mo="@link/to/mechanical/object" />
This component applies manual rotation on a mechanical object using the mouse. -right click : x-axis rotation -left click : y-axis rotation -middle click : z-axis rotation
mo="@link/to/mechanical/object/to/rotate" />