JS and CSS utils set
On-the-fly file merger.
This tool finds all calls of include('path/to/a/file.js');
in your JavaScripts and embeds
thier content in place of invocation.
In CSS it will find all @import('path/to/another.css')
statements and do the same thing.
All paths to images and other resources will be rewritten accordingly.
Tool for “freezing” images in css files.
Use npm install jscollect
to get the latest version.
Usage: jscollectd.js [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Combines files referenced in FILEs into one big script or style.
Can be used on separate files or in server mode.
-p, --port PORT specify http port to listen to when running in server mode
--docroot ROOT override default document root:
for separate files default is current directory
for server mode default is value of X-DocumentRoot header
--ycssjs compatibility mode with YCssJs
-h, --help display this help and exit
To use in server mode add this to your nginx conf-file:
location ~* \.(js|css)(\?.*)?$ { # or other location of your js and css assets
proxy_pass http://localhost:PORT # change PORT to what you’ve specified in --port
proxy_set_header X-DocumentRoot $root; # $root should be set to your document root
gzip off # we don’t need gzip in development anyways
proxy_buffering off # this helps with large compiled files
Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if there were problems.
Usage: freeze.js [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Freezes images referenced in css FILE and updates references.
-r, --remote URL specify remote server location where to check image location
-l, --local PREFIX specify local directory to freeze images into
-d, --docroot ROOT override default document root:
default is current directory
--ycssjs compatibility mode with YCssJs
-h, --help display this help and exit
Exit status is 0 if OK, 1 if there were problems.