Grapheme to phoneme Dummy converter - Python GUI
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The Grapheme to phoneme dummy converter tool is a Graphical user interface (GUI) for a script develpoed in The Open Media and Information Lab (OMILab). The tool convert a given ortographic text to it's phonemic represintation based on a given lexicon. This converter can be used for any Source to Target representations.
- Python 3.6
- TKinter
The G2P tool have no installation and work as a single file portable version, just download the latest version and run.
The Lexicon structure is as follows
Source | Target |
0 | Efes |
את | et |
There is no need for headers but they can be added.
Note: In case of missing words in the lexicon the GUI let you choose between 2 options:
- Missing - Replace the missing word with "Missing"
- Source - Leave the missing word as it appears in the text file
The lexicon must be in CSV format
First load the Lexicon in CSV format and the text file for conversion. Once both are loaded a "Save" button will appear. Save the converted file.
- Carmi Nehoray
- Dr. Silber-Varod Vered
- Amit Daphna
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Twitter - @OmilabOpenu
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