This library is used to facilitate the installation and configuration of slurm in an operator charm.
To get slurm installed in your charm, you need to define a resource "slurm" in your metadata.yaml of your charm. This interface allows two different resource types, a slurm snap, and a slurm binary tar file. The SlurmOpsManager class retrieves the model resource checks to see if it is binary or a snap and proceeds to install slurm.
class SlurmCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
snap_mode = "all"
self.slurm_ops = SlurmOpsManager(self, snap_mode)
def _on_install(self, event):
This function accomplishes 4 main tasks
writes the slurm.conf
restarts the slurm daemon
writes the munge key
restarts the munge daemon
to use this function correctly the user needs to supply a dictionary full of the correct key value pairs to be loaded into the template found in the templates folder of this repository. Either slurmbd.conf.tmpl if you're configuring the slurmdbd component or slurm.conf.tmppl for all other components of slurm. In that same dictionary the munge key value should be provided as a dict item with the key being "munge_key" and the value being a string representation of the munge key.
more info on these values can be found here
- clustername
- active_controller_hostname
- active_controller_ingress_address
- backup_controller_hostname
- backup_controller_ingress_address
- munge_socket
- mail_prog
- slurm_user
- slurmctld_pid_file
- slurmd_pid_file
- slurmctld_log_file
- slurmd_log_file
- slurm_spool_dir
- slurm_state_dir
- slurm_plugin_dir
- slurm_plugstack_conf
- slurmdbd_hostname
- slurmdbd_port
- munge_socket
- nodes
- partitions
The inventory of the nodes should also be supplied in this format:
{"nodes": {"inventory": "n_0"}, {"inventory": "n_1"},...{"inventory":"n_n-1} }
{% for partition, values in partitions.items() %} PartitionName={{ partition }} Nodes={{ values.hosts|join(',') }} Default={{ 'YES' if values.default else 'NO' }} State=UP {% endfor %}
- OmniVector Solutions [email protected]