Sunday October 24 2021
This program allows players to;
- Input something among 1-9 to select a slot
- If they enter anything else, it tells them to go again.
- Check if the input is already taken
- Toggle between users upon succesful move
- Add input to the board
- Check if user won: checking rows, columns and diagonals
- The objective of Tic Tac Toe is to get three "X" or "O" in a row, column or diagonally (known as win-state), played on a three by three game board.
- The first player is known as X since his/her input are "Xs" and the second is O coz his/her input are "Os".
- Players alternate placing "Xs" and "Os" on the game board until either oppent has either of the three win-state or all nine squares are filled (The latter occurs only in stalemate/draw).
- X always goes first, and in the event that no one has three in a row, the stalemate is called a cat game.
This is the live link to the repo
- Clone the program from the online repo
- Click on the code button to clone or download
- Python
- Implementing unittest. (Should be improved soon)
- Also you can make a pull request to this repo and correct or implement the above.
Contact me @[email protected]
The project is under MIT license Copyright © 2021.All rigths reservedg