git clone
cd mapd-charting
yarn install
The sample code creates a multi-layered pointmap/linemap with time and bar chart using US natural gas and pipeline information. These tables are referred to as gas_production_us_2018 - Table with US Natural Gas production information NaturalGas_Pipelines_US_201804 - US Natural Gas Pipeline information Once you have the tables setup in your OmniSci cloud or on-premise instance, change the user/password fields in MapdCon(). You can then either modify index.html to call i2enabled_natgas_pipelines.html or simply copy i2enabled_natgas_pipelines.html over index.html. Start the server by typing:
yarn run start
Open browser to http://localhost:8080.
MapD-Charting is a superfast charting library that works natively with crossfilter that is based off dc.js. It is designed to work with MapD-Connector and MapD-Crossfilter to create charts instantly with our MapD-Core SQL Database. Please see examples for further understanding to quickly create interactive charts.