This repository contains Dockerfile of airflow for Docker's automated build published to the public Docker Hub Registry.
Install Docker.
Install Docker-compose.
Download automated build from public Docker Hub Registry:
docker pull puckel/docker-airflow
Alternatively, you can build an image from Dockerfile
Start the stack (mysql, rabbitmq, airflow-webserver, airflow-flower & airflow-worker) :
docker-compose up
UI Interface :
Airflow: http://container-ip:8080/ Flower (Celery): http://container-ip:5555/ RabbitMQ: http://container-ip:15672/
To scale the number of workers :
docker-compose scale worker=5
Then you can run the "tutorial" :
docker exec dockerairflow_webserver_1 airflow backfill tutorial -s 2015-05-01 -e 2015-06-01