Recursively scans a local directory for common secret keywords and strings
Edit config.yml for the scanfolder and exclusions.
The scanfolder in config.yml will automatically overridden by the "-f" cmdline argument so chose either
Only works with Python 3.x
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -f <folder> -v
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f, --folder FOLDER Local Folder to scan / Cloned Repo
-e, --exclude Comma separated list of files to exclude
-m, --mask Mask Secrets (Default = False)
-v, --verbose Verbose output, shows secrets in STDOUT / Console (Default = False)
-r Save the output to a report instead of STDOUT
docker pull seqhub/findsecrets
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/wrk -t seqhub/findsecrets -f /wrk -r /wrk/findsecrets-reports -v
## Reports
Reports are automatically saved in the current folder:
report.json seqhubreport.json // for SEQHUB parsing
## To-Do's:
* Git commit scanning, history, multiple branches etc. same as gitleaks.
* Value checks based on known secret regexes
* XML / JSON / YAML Parser, Traverse trough Key/Values to get secret pairs