Endpoints are accessable via:
https://graph.api.smartthings.com:443/api/smartapps/installations/[smartapp installed uuid]/[endpoint]/
You muse have the header:
authorization: Bearer [token]
where the [token]
is the completed oauth2 authentication flow to the Smartapp.
NOTE: Almost all endpoints right now only respond to a GET, this will be fixed later.
- /locations
- /contacts
- /modes
- /modes/:id
- /hubs
- /hubs/:id
- /shm
- /shm/:mode
- /notification (POST)
- /devices
- /devices/:id
- /devices/:id/events
- /devices/:id/commands
- /devices/:id/:command
- /devices/:id/:command/:secondary
- /devices/commands (POST)
- /routines
- /routines/:id (GET/POST)
- /updates
- /allDevices
- /devicetypes
- /weather
Get all locations attached to to authenticated account
returns json
"contactBookEnabled": true,
"name": "Home",
"temperatureScale": "F",
"zipCode": "55446",
"latitude": "43.07619000",
"longitude": "-97.50923000",
"timeZone": "Central Standard Time",
"currentMode": {
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Home"
"hubs": [
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Home Hub"
Get all subscribed to contacts or phones in smartapp
return json
"deliveryType": "PUSH",
"id": "[UUID]",
"label": "Patrick Stuart - PUSH",
"name": "Push",
"contact": {
"hasSMS": true,
"id": "[UUID]",
"title": "Patrick Stuart",
"pushProfile": "Patrick Stuart - PUSH",
"middleInitial": null,
"firstName": "Patrick",
"image": null,
"initials": "PS",
"hasPush": true,
"lastName": "Stuart",
"fullName": "Patrick Stuart",
"hasEmail": true
"deliveryType": "SMS",
"id": "[UUID]",
"label": "Patrick Stuart - SMS",
"name": "cell",
"contact": {
"hasSMS": true,
"id": "[UUID]e",
"title": "Patrick Stuart",
"pushProfile": "Patrick Stuart - PUSH",
"middleInitial": null,
"firstName": "Patrick",
"image": null,
"initials": "PS",
"hasPush": true,
"lastName": "Stuart",
"fullName": "Patrick Stuart",
"hasEmail": true
Get all modes attached to this account
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Home"
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Night"
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Away"
Set the mode via its UUID from /modes
returns json
Get all hubs attached to this account
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Home Hub"
Get hub information based on id
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "Home Hub",
"firmwareVersionString": "000.016.00009",
"localIP": "[redacted]",
"localSrvPortTCP": "39500",
"zigbeeEui": "[redacted]",
"zigbeeId": "[redacted]",
"type": "PHYSICAL"
GET current state of Smart Home Monitor (SHM)
returns json
GET to change current state of Smart Home Monitor (SHM)
valid :mode are "away", "home", "off"
returns json
PUT Sends notification to a contact if address book is enabled
Send as json:
id is from endpoint contacts method is only valid if address book is not enabled
id: "[uuid]",
message: "This is a test",
method: "push"
returns json
"message sent"
Get all routines associated with Account
returns json
"id": "[uuid]",
"label": "I'm Back!"
}, {
"id": "[uuid]",
"label": "Good Night!"
}, {
"id": "[uuid]",
"label": "Goodbye!"
GET Get routine information
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"label": "Good Morning!"
POST Execute routine
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"label": "Good Morning!",
"hasSecureActions": false,
"action": "/api/smartapps/installations/[UUID]/action/execute"
Get list of devices
returns json
"id": "[uuid]",
"name": "SmartSense Multi",
"displayName": "Theater SmartSense Multi"
}, {
"id": "[uuid]",
"name": "SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor",
"displayName": "Front Door SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor"
Get device info
returns json
"id": "[uuid]",
"name": "SmartSense Multi",
"displayName": "Theater SmartSense Multi",
"attributes": {
"temperature": 68,
"battery": 1,
"contact": "closed",
"threeAxis": {
"x": -9,
"y": 65,
"z": -1020
"acceleration": "inactive",
"lqi": 100,
"rssi": -46,
"status": "closed"
Get device commands
returns json
"command": "on",
"params": {}
}, {
"command": "off",
"params": {}
}, {
"command": "setLevel",
"params": {}
}, {
"command": "refresh",
"params": {}
}, {
"command": "ping",
"params": {}
}, {
"command": "refresh",
"params": {}
Sends command to device id
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "ps_Control4_Dimmer_ZigbeeHA",
"displayName": "Patrick Office Dimmer",
"attributes": {
"switch": "off",
"level": 0
Sends Secondary command to device id
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "ps_Control4_Dimmer_ZigbeeHA",
"displayName": "Patrick Office Dimmer",
"attributes": {
"switch": "off",
"level": 0
Get Device Events
returns json
"device_id": "[uuid]",
"label": "server room bulb",
"name": "switch",
"value": "off",
"date": "2016-12-14T23:33:04Z",
"stateChange": true,
"eventSource": "DEVICE"
}, {
"device_id": "[uuid]",
"label": "server room bulb",
"name": "switch",
"value": "on",
"date": "2016-12-14T23:32:25Z",
"stateChange": true,
"eventSource": "DEVICE"
}, {
"device_id": "[uuid]",
"label": "server room bulb",
"name": "switch",
"value": "off",
"date": "2016-12-14T21:16:14Z",
"stateChange": true,
"eventSource": "DEVICE"
POST a list of device ids, commands and option value for batch Control
group: [
{ id:"[UUID]",command:on },
{ id:"[UUID]",command:off },
returns json
"id": "[UUID]",
"status": "success",
"command": "on",
"state": [
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "CentraLite Switch",
"displayName": "Patrick Office CentraLite Switch",
"attributes": {
"switch": "on",
"power": 0,
"checkInterval": 720
"id": "[UUID]",
"status": "not found"
"id": "[UUID]",
"status": "success",
"command": "setLevel",
"value": 100,
"state": [
"id": "[UUID]",
"name": "ps_Control4_Dimmer_ZigbeeHA",
"displayName": "Patrick Office Dimmer",
"attributes": {
"switch": "on",
"level": 100
Get last update for each device that has been queued up by the API
returns json
"id": "[uuid]",
"name": "Deck Door Lock",
"value": "locked",
"date": "2016-12-04T18:41:15.770Z"
}, {
"id": "[uuid]",
"name": "Hue Lamp 1",
"value": "1",
"date": "2016-12-12T02:41:09.906Z"
Get all devices subscribed to, with full details
returns json
"name": "Theater SmartSense Multi",
"label": "SmartSense Multi",
"type": "SmartSense Multi",
"id": "[uuid]",
"date": "2016-12-15T15:00:48+0000",
"model": null,
"manufacturer": null,
"attributes": {
"temperature": "68",
"battery": "1",
"contact": "closed",
"threeAxis": "-9,65,-1020",
"acceleration": "inactive",
"lqi": "100",
"rssi": "-46",
"status": "closed"
"commands": "[]"
}, {
"name": "Front Door SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor",
"label": "SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor",
"type": "SmartSense Multi Sensor",
"id": "[uuid]",
"date": "2016-12-15T15:08:51+0000",
"model": "3300",
"manufacturer": "CentraLite",
"attributes": {
"temperature": "58",
"battery": "67",
"contact": "closed",
"threeAxis": null,
"acceleration": null,
"checkInterval": "720",
"status": "closed"
"commands": "[configure, refresh, ping, enrollResponse]"
Get devicetype names for all subscribed devices
returns json
"SmartSense Multi",
"SmartSense Multi Sensor",
"Hue Bulb",
"Hue Lux Bulb",
"SmartPower Outlet",
"zZ-Wave Schlage Touchscreen Lock",
"Z-Wave Plus Window Shade",
"Z-Wave Remote",
"Aeon Minimote",
"Z-Wave Lock Reporting",
"Z-Wave Metering Switch",
"zIris Motion/Temp Sensor",
"SmartSense Moisture Sensor",
"SmartSense Motion Sensor",
"zIris Open/Closed Sensor",
"zCentralite Keypad",
"SmartSense Open/Closed Sensor",
"zLCF Control4 Controller",
"zSmartWeather Station Tile HTML",
"Samsung SmartCam"
Get current conditions for subscribed location
returns json
"wind_gust_mph": 0,
"precip_1hr_metric": " 0",
"precip_today_metric": "0",
"pressure_trend": "-",
"forecast_url": "http://www.wunderground.com/US/MN/Plymouth.html",
"history_url": "http://www.wunderground.com/weatherstation/WXDailyHistory.asp?ID=KMNMAPLE23",
"alertString": "Winter Storm Warning, Wind Chill Advisory",
"estimated": {},
"weather": "Mostly Cloudy",
"windchill_string": "-11 F (-24 C)",
"station_id": "KMNMAPLE23",
"aleryKeys": "[\"WIN1481794620\"]",
"UV": "0.0",
"observation_epoch": "1481812776",
"wind_gust_kph": 0,
"precip_1hr_in": "0.00",
"observation_time": "Last Updated on December 15, 8:39 AM CST",
"feelslike_string": "-11 F (-24 C)",
"temp_f": -10.7,
"local_tz_long": "America/Chicago",
"relative_humidity": "49%",
"temp_c": -23.7,
"image": {
"title": "Weather Underground",
"link": "http://www.wunderground.com",
"url": "http://icons.wxug.com/graphics/wu2/logo_130x80.png"
"solarradiation": "22",
"visibility_mi": "10.0",
"observation_location": {
"full": "Maple Grove, Minnesota",
"elevation": "965 ft",
"state": "Minnesota",
"longitude": "-93.475601",
"latitude": "45.067692",
"country_iso3166": "US",
"country": "US",
"city": "Maple Grove"
"illuminance": 9408,
"wind_mph": 0.0,
"heat_index_c": "NA",
"precip_today_string": "0.00 in (0 mm)",
"observation_time_rfc822": "Thu, 15 Dec 2016 08:39:36 -0600",
"feelslike_f": "-11",
"heat_index_f": "NA",
"feelslike_c": "-24",
"heat_index_string": "NA",
"forecastIcon": "mostlycloudy",
"ob_url": "http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=44.067692,-95.475601",
"dewpoint_string": "-25 F (-32 C)",
"local_tz_offset": "-0600",
"wind_kph": 0,
"windchill_f": "-11",
"windchill_c": "-24",
"wind_degrees": 359,
"pressure_in": "30.48",
"percentPrecip": "10",
"dewpoint_c": -32,
"pressure_mb": "1032",
"icon": "mostlycloudy",
"local_time_rfc822": "Thu, 15 Dec 2016 08:39:51 -0600",
"precip_1hr_string": "0.00 in ( 0 mm)",
"icon_url": "http://icons.wxug.com/i/c/k/mostlycloudy.gif",
"wind_dir": "North",
"dewpoint_f": -25,
"nowcast": "",
"display_location": {
"zip": "55446",
"magic": "1",
"full": "Plymouth, MN",
"elevation": "303.9",
"state": "MN",
"wmo": "99999",
"longitude": "-93.500000",
"latitude": "45.070000",
"state_name": "Minnesota",
"country_iso3166": "US",
"country": "US",
"city": "Plymouth"
"visibility_km": "16.1",
"sunset": "4:32 PM",
"temperature_string": "-10.7 F (-23.7 C)",
"local_tz_short": "CST",
"sunrise": "7:46 AM",
"local_epoch": "1481812791",
"wind_string": "Calm",
"precip_today_in": "0.00"