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[1.4.0] Key label formatting (2024-09-02)

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@jann0k jann0k released this 02 Sep 14:38
· 28 commits to master since this release


  • Support for machine-readable KeyLabel format
    • When encrypting, then this formatted key label is enabled by default. Can be disabled by setting ee.cyber.cdoc2.key-label.machine-readable-format.enabled=false system property (-D)
    • When decrypting, then both formatted and unformatted key label field versions are supported.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix cdoc2-cli encrypting functionality for SymmetricKey (--secret parameter). Bug was introduced with 1.1.0 release
    • Rewrote symmetric key (secret) and password handling in cdoc2-cli/cdoc2-lib
    • Bumped cdoc2-lib major version to 2.0.0, as broken classes (FormattedOptionParts) were removed and replaced with a new ones (LabeledPassword and LabeledSecret)
    • cdoc2-lib was not broken, when using EncryptionKeyMaterial#fromSecret(SecretKey,String) directly (without FormattedOptionParts)
    • broken example cdoc2 files were removed from test/testvectors and replaced with a correct ones
  • Fix cdoc2-client ApiClient timeouts (cdoc2.client.server.*-timeout were not working)
  • Allow loading pkcs11 (smart-card) test properties from file system (previously only classpath was working)


  • Third-party dependency updates to latest
  • Added GitHub workflows for building and releasing
  • Resolve issues reported by SonarCloud/SonarQube
  • Update client and server certificates used for unit-tests. Add scripts for future updates

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