With everyone's enthusiastic support and help,Open-Falcon is developing at full speed . Now:
During half a year, we have getted more than 1300 stars on github.
We received dozens of pull-requests,much 100 problems and the Community College has more than 2000 members.
We received lots of plugins from members who support us all the time.This plugins for example:MySQL,redis,RabbitMQ,windows-agent,switch-agent,nginx-stats.They also received many documents.
In different degrees,Hundreds of Internet Company use Open-Falcon,such as: 美团、金山云、快网、宜信、七牛、又拍云、赶集、滴滴、金山办公、爱奇艺、一点资讯、快牙、开心网、借贷宝、百度、迅雷等等
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,注明个人介绍和来源自open-falcon,我会拉你进入交流群组; - 我们更推荐您升级到夜莺监控: 关于open-falcon和夜莺的对比介绍,请参考阅读云原生监控的十个特点和趋势;
请大家优先在 github 上提交 issue, 方便问题沉淀,github issue 会最高优先级解决。
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This english document is translated and maintained by 宋立岭,thanks a lot.