1420 commits
to master
since this release
This beta release includes bug fixes and new features.
It updates the underlying OPA engine to v0.19.1
This release includes a breaking change that updates the label selector of the gatekeeper-controller-manager
deployment yaml. If upgrading, we recommend you uninstall the previous version of Gatekeeper before deploying the new version.
Features 🌈
- [100034d]: Add example of using a deny-all template to view request obj (#544) (Max Smythe) #544
- [017e9ee]: Enable standalone audit (Rita Zhang) #546
- [bba52f9]: Add cross platform multi-architecture docker image support. (#548) (Michael Fornaro) #548
- [2c1ddc6]: Allow for 'm' memory unit in examples (#564) (Robert Sheehy) #564
- [218bc08]: Github Actions CI pipeline (#570) (Sertaç Özercan) #570
- [d7af532]: Upgrade OPA to v0.19.1 (#576) (Max Smythe) #576
- [9c74d2e]: Add sync metrics (#560) (Sertaç Özercan) #560
- [170b29e]: Sync cert generation before starting webhooks (#581) (yiqigao217) #581
- [2f7243d]: update ci to build and release multi-architecture images (#571) (Michael Fornaro) #571
- [1312aee]: Use "k" instead of "K" for mem parsing (Robert Sheehy) #587
- [8be120b]: Upgrade to controller-runtime 0.6.0, client-go v0.18.2. Rebase dynamiccache fork accordingly (#563) (#601) (Oren Shomron) #601
- [d1362f4]: Split helm output into multiple files (#595) (Max Smythe) #595
- [2c0d17f]: add helm repo generation (#611) (Sertaç Özercan) #611
- [4a9370e]: validation handler benchmark tests (#599) (Shravan Achar) #599
- [804c24b]: add node selector for linux os (#626) (Sertaç Özercan) #626
- [21b6b4a]: Add readiness tracker to ensure caches have been loaded before serving traffic (#541) (Oren Shomron) #541
Bug Fixes 🐞
- [480baac]: Use RWMutex in watch manager to increase parallelism (#547) (Max Smythe) #547
- [54c1139]: Fix PSP sysctls rego (#549) (Philip Laine) #549
- [913fa8b]: Fix certRotator early return bug (#559) (yiqigao217) #559
- [0adf257]: Always recreate manager_image_patch.yaml (#575) (Max Smythe) #575
- [c4c443e]: Decrease verbosity of ReconcileSync logging (#577) (Robert Sheehy) #577
- [93bb992]: Ensure AppArmor rego throws violations as expected (#586) (Emma) #586
- [404bced]: Fix expected service account name (#606) (Rita Zhang) #606
- [3251a59]: Update Seccomp PSP to work as expected (Emma McMillan) #612
- [33d1935]: fix cold cache problem by making a request to api-server (Shravan Achar) #613
- [1baf9f9]: Fix empty resource name for logDenies (#619) (Rita Zhang) #619
- [89f9f03]: Fix bleed-through of watches from other registrars when calling ReplaceWatch() (#620) (Oren Shomron) #620