The CPA is released Unlight's source code but there is no any document and stable version for setup. This repository provides a pre-package docker image for compile client (SWF) and server (Ruby) and lets anyone can serve their Unlight server.
- Docker 19.03+
- Docker Compose 1.24+
- git 2+
- make
- Ruby 2.6+
For compile client or serve a game server, you need to download this repository to your local machine or server.
git clone
cd legacy-unlight-docker
# Download offical source code and assets
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
We provide a marketplace image for one-click setup server.
The fonts are included in Unlight.swf
, you have to download the font file and put it into fonts/
Language | Required Fonts |
Traditional Chinese | cwming.ttf (cwTeXMing 明體), wt004.ttf (王漢宗特明體), nbr.ttf |
isBradley Gratis
but with customize.
Next, you need to configure compile.env
to define the preferences you want.
# Copy example file and modify
cp compile.env.example compile.env
Then you can compile Unlight.swf
via Docker.
make client
More customize options will add soon
To setup server, you need build server docker image in first run.
Before start, we need to setup server config.
cp server.env.example server.env
If you host the database and Memcached in another server, please update the config.
make setup
This command will build a docker image and initialize load database.
After the server is ready, we can start all servers
make start
After servers are ready, we have to set up static files.
bin/prepare-assets --t_chinese -P dist/
directory is your web server root folder includes Unlight'spublic/
directory. This will change SWF to your locale.
We also provide pre-build image and allow you setup server without build it by yourself.
x-image: &image
image: openunlight/legacy-server:latest # Change this line
- server.env
restart: unless-stopped
- memcached
- db
The Docker Compose's scale feature will break our services, please add your external server to docker-compose.custom.yml
version: '3.4'
x-image: &image
image: unlight-server
- server.env
restart: unless-stopped
<<: *image
command: server lobby 12002
- '12003:12002'
And run make start
to start the new server.
If you plan to use Docker to run your database server and want to change something, add your .cnf
to db/conf.d
and restart the database.
; my.cnf
init_connect='SET NAMES utf8mb4'
And run bin/unlight restart db
to restart your database server.
This project use shared docker-compose.yml, please use bin/unlight
to replace with docker-compose
otherwise you will lose config.