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Workflow Documentation. #1582

Workflow Documentation.

Workflow Documentation. #1582

Workflow file for this run

# GitHub Actions workflow for continuous integration of Mobile-Wallet project
# Runs on master and dev branches to ensure code quality and build stability
# Purpose:
# This workflow file defines a comprehensive continuous integration (CI) process for the Mobile-Wallet project.
# It aims to ensure code quality and build stability by automatically running various checks and builds whenever code is pushed to the dev branch or a pull request is created.
# Functionality:
# Triggers:
# Push: The workflow is triggered on pushes to the dev branch.
# Pull Request: It is also triggered on all pull requests, regardless of the target branch.
# Concurrency:
# The concurrency setting prevents multiple workflow runs from happening simultaneously for the same branch or pull request. This helps avoid conflicts and resource contention.
# If a new workflow run is triggered while a previous one is still in progress, the previous run is canceled.
# In simpler terms:
# This workflow automates the process of building and testing the Mobile-Wallet project whenever code changes are pushed or a pull request is created.
# It performs various checks to ensure code quality, manages dependencies, and builds the application for both Android and desktop platforms.
# The workflow is designed to be efficient by using caching and concurrency to optimize build times and resource usage.
# Workflow flow:
# The workflow is triggered by a push to the dev branch or a pull request.
# The setup job prepares the environment.
# The checks and dependency_guard jobs run in parallel to perform code quality checks and dependency verification.
# If the checks and dependency_guard jobs are successful, the build and build_desktop_app jobs run to build the Android and desktop applications, respectively.
# The built artifacts are uploaded for further use or deployment.
name: Mobile-Wallet CI[Master/Dev]
# Trigger conditions for the workflow
# This name will be displayed in the GitHub Actions interface.
# {push} This triggers the workflow when code is pushed to the repository.
# branches-> This further specifies that the workflow should only be triggered when code is pushed to the dev branch.
# Runs on pushes to dev branch
# PullRequest-> This triggers the workflow when a pull request is created or updated.
# Runs on all pull requests
branches: [ dev ]
# Concurrency settings to prevent multiple simultaneous workflow runs
# group-> This creates a concurrency group based on the branch or tag that triggered the workflow.
# This means that only one workflow run can be active at a time for a given branch or tag.
# cancel-> This specifies that if a new workflow run is triggered for the same concurrency group while a
# previous run is still in progress, the previous run will be canceled.
# Cancels previous runs if a new one is triggered
group: build-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# Setup-> Initial setup job to prepare the environment
# This is the name of the first job, which is responsible for setting up the environment.
# runsOn-> This specifies that the job will run on a virtual machine with the latest Ubuntu operating system.
# Steps-> This section defines the individual steps that will be executed within the job.
# uses-> Checkout repository code
# Setup Java environment
# distribution-> This specifies that the Zulu distribution of Java should be used.
# This specifies that Java 17 should be installed.
# action to set up Gradle, the build tool used for the project.
# name-> Cache Gradle dependencies and build outputs to speed up future builds
# with-> This section provides configuration options for the action.
# path-> This specifies the paths to be cached. In this case, it includes the Gradle caches, the Gradle wrapper, and the build directory.
# key-> This is a unique identifier for the cache. It is generated based on the operating system, the word "gradle", and a hash of the Gradle files.
# RestoreKey-> This provides fallback keys to use if the primary key does not match an existing cache. In this case,
# it falls back to a key based only on the operating system and the word "gradle".
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
- uses: gradle/actions/setup-gradle@v4
- name: Cache Gradle and build outputs
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-${{ hashFiles('**/*.gradle*', '**/') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-
# Code quality checks job
# This is the name of the job responsible for running code quality checks.
# needs-> Depends on setup job completion
# strategy->This section defines the strategy for running the job.
# This defines a matrix strategy, which allows you to run the job multiple times with different configurations.
# check-> Define different types of checks to run in parallel
# This defines the values for the check variable in the matrix. The job will run three times, once for each value in the list,
# effectively running three different types of checks in parallel.
# steps-> This section defines the individual steps that will be executed within the job.
# uses-> These steps are similar to the ones in the setup job. They check out the code and set up the Java environment.
# name: Run ${{ matrix.check }}-> Run different checks based on matrix value
# This step runs the actual code quality checks based on the value of the matrix.check variable.
# This sets the display name of the step to indicate which check is being run.
# id-> This assigns an ID to the step, which can be used to reference its outcome in later steps.
# run->This section contains the commands to execute. It uses conditional logic to determine which Gradle command to run based on the type of check.
needs: setup
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
check: [ build_logic, spotless, detekt ]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
- name: Run ${{ matrix.check }}
id: run_check
run: |
if [ "${{ matrix.check }}" = "build_logic" ]; then
./gradlew check -p build-logic # Check build logic
elif [ "${{ matrix.check }}" = "spotless" ]; then
./gradlew spotlessCheck --no-configuration-cache --no-daemon # Check code formatting
elif [ "${{ matrix.check }}" = "detekt" ]; then
./gradlew detekt # Run static code analysis
# Upload detekt analysis reports as artifacts
# if-> This condition ensures that the step only runs if the matrix.check is 'detekt' and the run_check step (which ran Detekt) had a successful outcome.
# uses-> This uses the actions/upload-artifact action to upload the reports.
# with-> This section provides configuration options for the action.
# name-> This sets the name of the artifact.
# path-> This specifies the path to the reports to be uploaded.
- name: Upload Detekt Reports
if: ${{ matrix.check == 'detekt' && steps.run_check.outcome == 'success' }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: detekt-reports
path: |
# Dependency verification and management job
# This is the name of the job responsible for dependency verification and management.
# needs-> This specifies that the dependency_guard job depends on the successful completion of the setup job.
# runsOn-> This specifies that the job will run on a virtual machine with the latest Ubuntu operating system.
# steps-> These steps are similar to the ones in the setup job. They check out the code and set up the Java environment.
needs: setup
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
# Verify dependencies against baseline
# id-> This assigns an ID to the step, which can be used to reference its outcome in later steps.
# continue-> This allows the workflow to continue even if this step fails. This is important because the next steps might try to fix the dependency issues.
# run-> This executes the Gradle task for Dependency Guard.
- name: Check Dependency Guard
id: dependencyguard_verify
continue-on-error: true
run: ./gradlew :mifospay-android:dependencyGuard
# Prevent baseline updates on fork PRs
- name: Prevent updating Dependency Guard baselines if this is a fork
id: checkfork_dependencyguard
# This condition checks if the dependencyguard_verify step failed and if the current pull request is from a forked repository.
if: steps.dependencyguard_verify.outcome == 'failure' && github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name != github.repository
# If both conditions are true, it prints an error message and exits with a failure code, preventing the workflow from proceeding.
run: |
echo "::error::Dependency Guard failed, please update baselines with: ./gradlew dependencyGuardBaseline" && exit 1
# Generate new dependency baselines if verification fails
- name: Generate new Dependency Guard baselines if verification failed and it's a PR
id: dependencyguard_baseline
# This condition checks if the dependencyguard_verify step failed and if the current event is a pull request.
if: steps.dependencyguard_verify.outcome == 'failure' && github.event_name == 'pull_request'
# If both conditions are true, it executes the Gradle task to generate new baselines.
run: |
./gradlew :mifospay-android:dependencyGuardBaseline
# Automatically commit new baselines if generated
- name: Push new Dependency Guard baselines if available
# This uses a third-party action to automate the commit process.
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
# This condition checks if the dependencyguard_baseline step was successful, meaning new baselines were generated.
if: steps.dependencyguard_baseline.outcome == 'success'
# This section provides configuration options for the action, such as the file pattern to commit, commit message, etc.
file_pattern: '**/dependencies/*.txt'
disable_globbing: true
commit_message: "🤖 Updates baselines for Dependency Guard"
# Android app build job
build: #This is the name of the job responsible for building the Android application.
# This specifies that the build job depends on the successful completion of both the checks and dependency_guard jobs.
# This ensures that code quality checks and dependency verification are passed before the build process starts.
needs: [ checks, dependency_guard ] # Requires successful checks and dependency verification
# This specifies that the job will run on a virtual machine with the latest Ubuntu operating system.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# These steps are similar to the ones in previous jobs. They check out the code and set up the Java environment.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
# Build debug APK for demo flavor
- name: Build APKs
# This executes the Gradle command to build the debug APK for the "demo" flavor of the app.
run: ./gradlew :mifospay-android:assembleDemoDebug
# Upload built APKs as artifacts
- name: Upload APKs
# This uses the actions/upload-artifact action to upload the APKs.
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# This sets the name of the artifact.
name: Android APKs
# This specifies the path to the APK files to be uploaded.
path: '**/build/outputs/apk/**/*.apk'
# Desktop application build job for multiple platforms
# This specifies that the build_desktop_app job depends on the successful completion of both the checks and dependency_guard jobs.
needs: [ checks, dependency_guard ]
# This section defines the strategy for running the job.
# This defines a matrix strategy to build the desktop app for different operating systems.
# Build for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
# This specifies the operating systems to build for: Windows, Ubuntu, and macOS.
- windows-latest
- ubuntu-latest
- macos-latest
# This specifies that the job will run on a virtual machine with the operating system defined in the matrix.
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# This grants the job write access to the repository's contents, which is necessary for uploading artifacts.
contents: write
# These steps are similar to the ones in previous jobs. They check out the code and set up the Java environment.
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-java@v4
distribution: 'zulu'
java-version: 17
# Build desktop application for current OS
- name: Build Desktop App
# This executes the Gradle command to build the desktop app, likely using a task that targets the current operating system.
run: ./gradlew packageDistributionForCurrentOS
# Upload Windows executables and installers
- name: Upload Windows Apps
if: matrix.os == 'windows-latest'
# This uses the actions/upload-artifact action to upload the artifacts.
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
# This section provides configuration options for the action, including the artifact name and path.
name: Windows-Apps
path: |
# Upload Linux package
- name: Upload Linux App
if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest'
# This line specifies that the step will use a pre-built action from the GitHub Marketplace called actions/upload-artifact.
# @v4 indicates the version of the action being used.
# This action is designed to upload build artifacts, such as compiled applications, test results, or other files, to make them available after the workflow run completes.
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Linux-App
path: './mifospay-desktop/build/compose/binaries/main/deb/*.deb'
# Upload MacOS package
- name: Upload MacOS App
if: matrix.os == 'macos-latest'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: MacOS-App
# This line specifies the path to the files or directories that should be included in the artifact.
# it is a relative path within the repository that likely points to the location where the built MacOS application package (in DMG format) is stored.
# The *.dmg pattern indicates that all files with the .dmg extension in that directory will be included in the artifact.
path: './mifospay-desktop/build/compose/binaries/main/dmg/*.dmg'