At the moment, this page is unpublished and not available online.
Update texts
Create Google Forms and link it
Modify robots.txt to allow scraping when public
Update software entries
Update under construction in index.html
If a chart plot should be shown, plotting data from the table, see table.js and uncomment the code, and move the from misc to _pages directory
The website structure is based on different collections which are used to build the content of the site.
_includes and _layouts define jekyll layouts and HTML snippets.
Collections _legal, _pages, _people, _posts directly define content of the website, most of which are embedded in the index.html.
Each collection is defined under _config.yml, for some collections explicit html files are constructed, like _posts which all have their own sub-site, for other nothing is generated as they are included in the index.html (the variable output defines wherever a file is generated).
All website css is written in _main.scss file in the _sass folder. 3rd party css is located under assets/css.
All JS code is located under assets/js.
Intro pupil macro image is taken by Micheal Morse available under for free use.
The gallery is defined in img_gallery.html under includes, the liquid script searches for files that match the given path in assets and displays them
Note: This means that when in different directories, images with the same name are contained, they are displayed for both posts. Always name images different, as they are thrown in one big pot.
Table data is generated through post files defined in the directory _posts. This will create a jekyll collection named site.posts which is used to generate a plain HTML table in the file table.html in the folder _includes. This html table is then integrated in the page under _pages, where it is displayed using the javascript library datatables.js. All datatables code in written in table.js
Caution: When changing the plain HTML table columns, the column indizes in table.js need to be updated.
The table data is defined through the _posts collections, each file in the _posts directory defines a set of frontmatter/meta variables which represent the table data and is accessed in the table generation under table.html.
The _misc directory contains some pages files that are currently not used but may be useful
- a search widget that can search in post data
- a chart plot showing some data from the table data