A fully functional UI is deployed at CANFAR.net (https://www.canfar.net/storage/list/).
./gradlew --info clean build
Will produce a war
file in the build/libs
directory that can be deployed into a Java container such as Tomcat or Jetty.
User Storage requires a properties file be available, named org.opencadc.vosui.properties
Both the VOSpace web service implementation and the Files web service User Storage uses must be configured before
running this UI.
To configure the VOSpace implementation User Storage should use, the org.opencadc.vosui.properties file should contain the following entries:
# Properties required for interacting with a VOSpace web service
# Default vospace service to display and query
org.opencadc.vosui.service.default = <service_name>
# For each backend service available (used in a pulldown on the page)
org.opencadc.vosui.service.name = <service_name>
# The resource id of the VOSpace web service to use
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.service.resourceid = <URI that identifies the VOSPace web service>
# Base URI to use as node identifier
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.node.resourceid = <URI that is the base of node identifiers>
# Base home directory for authenticated users
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.user.home = <relative path, starting with '/'>
# Features for this service.
# batchDownload: true/false - Whether the batch downloadManager service is available for batch downloads.
# batchUpload: true/false - Whether the batch downloadManager service is available for batch downloads.
# externalLinks: false - Whether this service supports creating hyperlinks (external to the system), such as http(s) links or ftp links. File systems do not support this.
# paging: false - Whether this VOSpace service supports the limit=<int> and startURI=<uri> features.
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.service.features.batchDownload = <true / false>
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.service.features.batchUpload = <true / false>
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.service.features.externalLinks = <true / false>
org.opencadc.vosui.<service_name>.service.features.paging = <true / false>
# Note: replace <service_name> with the name of the VOSpace implementation in all cases, ie `vault` or `cavern`.
# END: For each backend service available (used in a pulldown on the page)
org.opencadc.vosui.theme.name = canfar
# For OpenID Connect support.
org.opencadc.vosui.oidc.clientID = <openid connect client id>
org.opencadc.vosui.oidc.clientSecret = <openid connect client secret>
org.opencadc.vosui.oidc.redirectURI = <uri to callback to AFTER successful login from the OpenID Connect Provider>
org.opencadc.vosui.oidc.callbackURI = <uri to callback to AFTER successful login and AFTER the redirectURI>
org.opencadc.vosui.oidc.scope = <space separated scopes to send to the OpenID Connect provider>
# Token cache for storing tokens with OpenID Connect. Specify URL here.
org.opencadc.vosui.tokenCache.url = redis://localhost:6379
# END: For OpenID Connect support.
In order for Authorization and Authentication to work properly, the User Storage UI uses Domain Cookies to pass from the browser to the application. The browser will always send a valid cookie to the server whose domain matches the cookie's, but the application will then make another request to the VOSpace Web Service using the cookie. The VOSpace Web Service can run on a different domain, however, which presents a problem for cookie passing.
To get around this, please supply a property called SSO_SERVERS
containing a space delimited list of trusted servers one of two ways:
- As a System property (e.g.
-DSSO_SERVERS="<host 1> <host 2>" etc.
) - In a file located at
(e.g.cat SSO_SERVERS=<host 1> <host 2> > $HOME/config/AccessControl.properties
) - Supply the System property
to run with a default UI. The alternative will require CANFAR decorations. This is useful for development testing.
The hostnames included in this property are all the servers involved in your setup (i.e. the web server, and the VOSpace Web Service host).
To produce a running embedded Tomcat container running on port 8080
, with a debug port on 5555
, deploy with Docker:
Pass your own Registry settings into the JAVA_OPTS
environment variable to use your own VOSpace service:
docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -e CATALINA_OPTS="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5555 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dca.nrc.cadc.reg.client.RegistryClient.host=<your host for IVOA Registry host>" tomcat:9-jdk11-openjdk-slim
To specify the Service ID (often called Resource ID) of your services. The User Storage Interface relies on two services:
- A VOSpace web service implementation (e.g.
) - Group Management Service (Access Control)
See the 'Configuration' section for how to set up access to a VOSpace implementation.
To specify the Service ID for Group Management, add the appropriate entry in the cadc-registry.properties
ivo://ivoa.net/std/GMS#search-1.0 = ivo:///
Or deploy the war
file in build/libs
into a Java container such as Tomcat.
Then, in your browser, look at http://localhost:8080/storage/list.
See the OpenCADC Docker repository
It extends the OpenCADC Tomcat container
To run in your environment, create your own Dockerfile:
# This is the Docker hub location for the User Storage User Interface
FROM tomcat:9-jdk11-openjdk-slim
# The JAVA_OPTS variable to pass to Tomcat. Note the -Dca.nrc.cadc.reg.client.RegistryClient.host property.
ENV JAVA_OPTS "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5555 -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dca.nrc.cadc.reg.client.RegistryClient.host=<your host for IVOA Registry lookup>"
Then package it:
docker build -t user_storage_ui .
Then run it:
docker run --name storage -d -p 8080:8080 -p 5555:5555 user_storage_ui