Releases: openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts-ios
What's Changed
- Change credits text view to support hyperlinks by @yegorsch in #45
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #40
- Change Username keyboard to e-mail address by @rudrankriyam in #47
- Update LICENSE by @rudrankriyam in #69
- Resolves #56 Add iOS Open Beauty Facts application link by @rudrankriyam in #68
- Add 'the free food products database' heading in the Launch Screen by @rudrankriyam in #50
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #63
- Create Pull Request Template by @rudrankriyam in #77
- Resolves #75 Added Contact and Frequently Asked Questions button by @rudrankriyam in #76
- Resolves #52 Add "Forgot password?" button by @rudrankriyam in #62
- Resolves #73 Translate Open Food Facts" button by @rudrankriyam in #74
- Create issue template by @rudrankriyam in #86
- Button to share product is added by @yegorsch in #64
- Resolves #92, Identifier Name Violation Issues after updating to Xcode 9.3 by @antsangrigoli in #93
- Create contributing template by @rudrankriyam in #87
- Resolves #78, resolves #79 Translate Test Strings and Remove $(PRODUCT_NAME) by @rudrankriyam in #90
- Updated string for issue #100 by @maevekenny in #103
- Resolve #85 Search: Products keep repeating by @rudrankriyam in #104
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #70
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #105
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #106
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #108
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #111
- Update travis build for xcode 10.1 by @philippeauriach in #120
- Continuous scan of products by @philippeauriach in #118
- Use official images assets for nutriscore by @philippeauriach in #119
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #121
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #124
- Update mocks to the new productApi interface signature by @philippeauriach in #125
- Made some display fixes in the continous scan feature by @philippeauriach in #126
- Improved history and search results display by @philippeauriach in #127
- Images were not displayed in ingredients and nutrition table tabs by @philippeauriach in #129
- Display some taxonomies full name and make them clickable by @philippeauriach in #128
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #130
- fix constraint in continuous scan summary (bug on ipad) by @philippeauriach in #134
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #131
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #157
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #159
- Full product creation by @philippeauriach in #156
- Settings reorganization - fixes #139 by @s4rv4d in #158
- Ask confirmation before deleting search history by @philippeauriach in #165
- Allergens presence alerts by @philippeauriach in #174
- Branding & UI/UX by @philippeauriach in #175
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #161
- Tiny issues, carbon footprint, header reformat by @philippeauriach in #192
- Wording fixes by @teolemon in #194
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #193
- Logout alert vc and added new keys in localizable file fixes issue 148 by @s4rv4d in #166
- Show scan on startup button - fixes#147 by @s4rv4d in #162
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #197
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #198
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #202
- Resolves #199 Essentials URL not localised by @rudrankriyam in #200
- Resolves #149 Contact doesn't do anything when clicked by @rudrankriyam in #191
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #210
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #215
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #218
- Text in local language by @aleene in #223
- Resolves #185 String bug in settings by @rudrankriyam in #225
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #224
- Issue 211 by @philippeauriach in #228
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #230
- Save previous sections when saving. Fixes #179 by @philippeauriach in #231
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #232
- Accept coma or dot for double value. Fix #183 by @philippeauriach in #234
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #233
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #236
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #237
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #239
- The images are now localized as well. by @teolemon in #238
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #240
- Resolves #151, #204, #205, #206 Tiny Fixes - 1 by @rudrankriyam in #221
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #242
- Other language approach by @aleene in #247
- Minerals/Vitamins/Nucleotides by @aleene in #246
- offline products consultation. Fix #35 by @philippeauriach in #249
- Localized languages by @aleene in #248
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #244
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #251
- Nutrition table in webview. Fix #213 by @philippeauriach in #252
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #253
- Missing states key in all and summary product fields by @philippeauriach in #255
- Cropping of product search no results label by @rudrankriyam in #256
- New Crowdin translations by @teolemon in #254
- Fix for carbon impact by @teolemon in #259
- Update by @rudrankriyam in #264
- New Crowdin translations by @...
RC 4
Add reminder to save changes when editting a product
On the previous release:
Improve request cancelling logic when typing into the search bar, should fix the “Something went wrong. Please try again” message.
Allow taking new pictures for a product.
Add scan on launch setting.
Add Discover and How To Contribute links in Settings.
Show account creation and contributions links in User views.
Add edit button to Product Detail view.
RC 3
Improve request cancelling logic when typing into the search bar, should fix the “Something went wrong. Please try again” message.
Allow taking new pictures for a product.
Add scan on launch setting.
Add Discover and How To Contribute links in Settings.
Show account creation and contributions links in User views.
Add edit button to Product Detail view.
RC 2
Improved Scan view. Created Add product view.
In scan view:
- Fix rotation bug
- Add help instructions
- Add tap to focus
- Add flash button
Create Add product view. Scan a barcode, if it doesn't exist you can take pictures of it, give it a name, brand and quantity. It will be saved to the test version of OFF,
iPad support
New App Icon
UX improvements
Don't display brand and quantity rows when they have no value (all other rows were already checked)
Remove focus from search bar when tapping outside it and it has no text
Remove testing tab
NutriScoreView now displays correctly on rotation
Add call to action for pictures in Summary, Ingredient and Nutrition table pages
Add an Loading and No Results views when searching, error view comming next
Search and UX improvements
Fixes constraint issues with images in Ingredients and Nutrition Table page.
Don't display labels when there's no value in the Product Detail pages.
Search now sends a request after the user stops typing, instead of on every character.
1.0–Build 5: Nutrition table and image viewer
Fill nutrition table with the product's details.
Allow for all images from a product to be viewed full screen.