1532 commits
to master
since this release
- standalone website:
- classroom (list/create/update)
- Add a new "invite" JWT in classroom API to allow students to join a classroom through a link
- Manage portability requests (list/accept/reject)
- dynamic content in homepage
- page my-contents
- access site visitor mode
- login page
- Add new elements to the teacher VOD Dashboard :
- Attendances from live session
- Allow to store link between an LTI user and a "site" user
- Allow LTI users to request for a playlist portability
- Enable recording when creating a BBB room instance
- Mutualize Eslint configuration
- Shareable classroom link
- Endpoint fetching jitsi info for a specific video (/api/videos/{video_id}/jitsi/)
- Reopen chatrooms in readonly mode when converting a live to a vod
- Number of viewer doesn't include the instructor accounts
- Move title edition on the title itself
- Move record toggle
- standalone website:
- mutualize modals and styles
- fine tune UI
- guess ISO15897 locale code
- Filtered classroom list
- Filtered deposit list
- Filtered markdown document list
- Use a lite serializer for classroom resource on list endpoint
- Rework of the TimedTextTrackLanguageChoices hook
- Adapt lib-components with eslint rules
- Adapt lib-classroom with eslint rules
- The full name replaces the first and last names in the user's profile API
- Always show the "use subtitle as transcript" toggle in the UploadSubtitles widget
- Remove hangup button
- Fix overlap display of the modal to end live on mobile view
- Fix recording button bugs
- Fix recording button bug on small display
- Change permission on retrieve endpoints
- Deal with webinar without thumbnail
- Force to save the starting live state on the start action
- Update gitlint_emoji.py