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November 2021 Geospatial API Code Sprint

ghobona edited this page Nov 16, 2021 · 32 revisions

14th Geospatial API Code Sprint


This sprint will focus on the OGC API Features/ ISO 19168-1:2020 standards. If you are new to OGC Code Sprints, please check the mentor streams below.

Period and location

The code sprint will take place from 15th to 17th of November, 2021.

The meeting will be fully virtual and will take place in the OGC discord server.

Join from Windows, Mac, iOS or Android:

Discord app download:


The code sprint will be held on EST (US Eastern) timezone. You can check here the time in other locations.

Date Time Day/ Activity Discord channel
2021-11-09 Day #0 (pre-event): Welcome Webinar
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome Remarks and New Way of Working - Joana Simoes/ Peter Parslow V:🏛 #Main Stage
09:15 - 09:30 Overview of OGC API – Features - Clemens Portele/ Peter Vretanos V:🏛 #Main Stage
09:30 - 09:45 Overview of ISO 19168-1 - Peter Parslow V:🏛 #Main Stage
09:45 - 10:00 Q&A V:🏛 #Main Stage
2021-11-15 Day #1: Kick-Off
07:00 - 07:20 Welcome Remarks and New Way of Working - Joana Simoes/ Peter Parslow V:🏛 #Main Stage
07:20 - 07:45 Sprint Goals - Clemens Portele/ Peter Vretanos V:🏛 #Main Stage
07:45 - 08:00 Q&A V:🏛 #Main Stage
11:00 - 11:30 Geometry Simplification (Issues, Proposal) V:👥 #Breakout Room
14:00 - 14:30 Feature Schemas (Issues, Proposal) V:👥 #Breakout Room
16:30 - 17:30 Daily Brief Back V:🏛 #Main Stage
2021-11-16 Day #2
07:00 - 09:00 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
09:00 - 10:00 Stand-up & demos V:🏛 #Main Stage
09:30 - 10:00 Controlling the 'geometry' member in JSON-FG responses (JSON-FG summary) V:👥 #Breakout Room
10:00 - 12:30 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
12:30 - 13:00 Issues & concerns V:🏛 #Main Stage
13:00 - 16:30 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
16:30 - 17:30 Daily Brief Back V:🏛 #Main Stage
2021-11-17 Day #3: Final Day
07:00 - 09:00 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
09:00 - 10:00 Stand-up & demos V:🏛 #Main Stage
10:00 - 12:30 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
12:30 - 13:00 Issues & concerns V:🏛 #Main Stage
13:00 - 15:30 Practical work V:👥 #Breakout Room
15:30 - 16:30 Demos V:🏛 #Main Stage
16:30 - 17:30 Wrap-up - Joana Simoes/ Peter Parslow V:🏛 #Main Stage


This code sprint is a joint effort of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Initiative Manager:

Joana Simoes (OGC), ✉️, discord: @doublebyte#8420

Organising Committee:

Gobe Hobona (OGC), Scott Simmons (OGC), Tobias Spears (ISO), Peter Parslow (OS), Morten Borrebæk (ISO), Agneta Gren Engberg (ISO).


We invite organizations to sponsor the Code Sprint. A range of packages are available offering different opportunities for organizations to support the geospatial development community while promoting their products or services. If interested in sponsoring the code sprint, please contact the Standards Program ✉️.


Registration is free for everyone. You may register here. At the time of the event, only registered participants will have access to the relevant Discord channels.

Mentor streams

If you are coming to an OGC Code Sprint for the first time, you may be a little lost and confused about what you should do when you get there. For this event (and hopefully future events if it works well), we will have mentors to help you get started in the OGC Community. In the discord server, you will find a section of called "mentoring", which contains multiple channels. All the mentor streams will take place in the V:🎙 Mentor Room. If you would like to be a mentor for a topic not listed, add a new table below. If you need mentorship, add your name to the appropriate table below.

Share your Data with OGC API Features

This is a mentored walk through of the entire process of getting your server up & running, and ingesting a dataset for sharing. We are going to use a sample dataset with local shops and ingredients, from Sawcer. At the end of this session, you should be able to query the server and access the published data using a web browser, curl, postman or any other http client.

Technologies: Docker, MongoDB, Pygeoapi, cURL, Postman.

Requirements: Basic knowledge about web APIs and Docker.

Stream leader: Joana Simoes

Proposed schedule: 15th of November, 10:00 - 10:45 -


# Name Email
1 Joana Simoes ✉️
2 Antonio Cerciello ✉️

Load feature data into your frontend application

This stream will walk you through the process of bootstrapping a simple frontend application using React.js, and grabbing some data from a features API server. If you created a Features server in the previous stream, you could read your data from there; otherwise, will provide you with a link to an OGC API Features server. At the end of this session, you should have a frontend application that displays remote feature data.

Technologies: JavaScript, React.

Requirements: Basic familiarity with JavaScript and following tools:

  • Git
  • Node.js (16.13.0+) and npm (8.1.0+)
  • Yarn - Package Manager (1.22.15+)

Stream leader: Antonio Cerciello

Proposed schedule: 16th of November, 10:00 - 10:45 -


# Name Email
1 Joana Simoes ✉️
2 Antonio Cerciello ✉️

Testing implementations of OGC API - Features for Compliance to the Standard

This tutorial will walk through the compliance testing process to demonstrate how to check whether a product correctly implements the OGC API - Features standard. Two approaches will be demonstrated: through the hosted TEAM Engine web application, and through the Eclipse IDE (using Maven).

Technologies: TEAM Engine


  • For Exercises 1 and 2 (Basic), a Web Browser is required
  • For Exercise 3 (Advanced), the following are required Java 8, Docker, Maven

Stream leader: Gobe Hobona

Proposed schedule: 16th of November, 13:00 - 13:45 -


# Name Contact
1 Gobe Hobona DM on Discord at @ghobona1
2 Joana Simoes ✉️

Introduction to SpatioTemporal Asset Catalogs (STAC) and its use of OGC API features

This tutorial will provide an in-depth dive into the core STAC data model, and explore how it is exposed via the STAC API, which is primarily based upon OGC API - Features.

Technologies: STAC

Requirements: none

Stream leader: Chris Holmes, Rob Emanuele

Proposed schedule: 15th of November, 13:30-15:00


# Name Email
1 Joana Simoes ✉️
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