released this
07 Mar 04:07
🚀 Features
Project-defined tracking sessions activated on project load
Background push and synchronization for cloud projects
Automatically push pending changes to the cloud on a regular interval
New undo/redo functionality allowing you to reverse undesired digitizing and feature editing
Title and copyright decoration overlay on top of the map canvas
✨ Improvements
Better progress feedback when downloading and synchronizing cloud projects
Visual indicators of ‘newer’ cloud project available on the server in QField
Relationship’s children can now be created prior to saving their parent feature
Insure positioning precise view (i.e. stake-out) works on compass-less devices
User interface polishing, including a brand new main menu layout
Support for gpsd-served NMEA streams over TCP/UDP
Updated several underlying libraries, including QGIS (v3.36) and Qt (v6.6.2)
🤖 Android improvements
Massive re-work of native camera, gallery, and file opening activities unlocking proper OS activity overlay
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