21774a5 ACM-12279 | feat: Add a sql parser feature
0cdafa6 OCM-1294 | feat: Added password validator and tests
903931e OCM-2368 | feat: Makefile, sample code + tests, gitignore, go mod
1535360 OCM-2368 | feat: README and CONTRIBUTING guide
ef35195 OCM-2369 | feat: Action for publishing a release
87e148d OCM-2369 | feat: Added new publish-release Action + README changes
b56cbdd OCM-2369 | feat: Check PR Github Action, edited commit message action
332a787 OCM-2369 | feat: Github Action for checking commit format
a5529bc OCM-2373 | feat: Moved helpers associated with getRole
abe1474 OCM-2858 | feat: Change validations package hierarchy
a8d0967 OCM-2858 | feat: Move clusternode validations to shared library
49d2629 OCM-3155 | feat: Added KmsArnRegex validator + tests
88e7b83 OCM-3247 | feat: validate disk size Signed-off-by: marcolan018 [email protected]
b4c8d68 OCM-3953 | feat: Updating OCM common to aws sdk go v2
8a5afc0 OCM-3963 | feat: Additional error
9043b9d OCM-3963 | feat: Moving error helpers to ocm-common
d5cc53c OCM-3963 | feat: removing unecessary pointer
3d2bf1f OCM-4777 | feat: provide common func for password generation and hash Signed-off-by: marcolan018 [email protected]
121e250 OCM-5027 | feat: Added KubeletConfigClient and mock to be shared between Terraform and ROSA CLI
c3fbe27 OCM-5397 | feat: add aws, account roles and oidc config common
3ab619e OCM-5397 | feat: add truncate common function
16b3b15 OCM-5632 | feat: add constants for cluster admin into common library Signed-off-by: marcolan018 [email protected]
9130733 OCM-6311 | feat: Migrate common code to ocm-common repo
fd10e57 OCM-6312 | feat: migrate openshift-rosa-cli v1 code to v2
5f074ea OCM-6620 | feat: add SignatureDoesNotMatch
7a63587 OCM-7305 | feat: add kubeletconfigs_cliet Signed-off-by: marcolan018 [email protected]
Bug fixes
35dbbcb OCM-2368 | fix: Addressed review comment
08a40a8 OCM-2369 | fix: Edited + added version.go
21517d8 OCM-2369 | fix: Updated ginkgo in Action for check-pull-request
8bb84ff OCM-2369 | fix: update check commit format workflow
4ca8d91 OCM-3155 | fix: Removed empty param check
a9be6e5 OCM-4513 | fix: Fixed kms arn regex pattern
5efd7db OCM-5397 | fix: adjust claim map for openid-config
5256909 OCM-8956 | fix: goreleaser config for workflow
3c56eda OCM-5397 | adding max byte size back
43bfb0d OCM-5798 | add thumbprint fetcher
25b3517 OCM-6311 | ci: bump workflows and version to go 1.21
9099b0a OCM-6449 | test: Change proxy prepare workflow
a54fee5 OCM-7480 | test: fix vpc client preparation will stuck to vpc creation
6db6d30 OCM-7481 | test: package addtional security groups preparation func and add vpc test suite
8a5c19a OCM-7517 | test: fix vpc client meet nil pointer when create subnets pair
6117b7d OCM-7594 | test: Fix proxy realated function
2068228 OCM-7610 | test: Build up functions for kms key supporting
fedcc71 OCM-8208 | test: Add new function: GrantValidAccessKeys for backend usage
35d934f OCM-8693 | test: Add tag/untag role/policy functions
cd67cd4 OCM-8956 | chore: add goreleaser and update release workflow
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