CI-friendly golang tool for parsing the output of time series data created by pbench in CSV format, as well as from prometheus directly.
Usage of ./scraper:
-blkdev string
List of block devices (default "sda-write,sda-read,vda-write,vda-read,xvda-write,xvda-read,xvdb-write,xvdb-read,nvme0n1-write,nvme0n1-read")
-duration int
Duration of test in integer minutes (used to calculate quest start time) (default 30)
-i string
pbench run result directory to parse (default "/var/lib/pbench-agent/benchmark_result/tools-default/")
Trust self-signed HTTP certificates
-netdev string
List of network devices (default "eth0-rx,eth0-tx")
-o string
output directory for parsed CSV result data (default "/tmp/")
scrape pbench results
-proc string
list of processes to gather (default "openshift_start_master_api_,openshift_start_master_controll,hyperkube_kubelet_,openshift_start_node_,etcd,dockerd-current_,elasticsearc,prometheus_,systemd_--switched-root,openshift_start_network_,ovs-vswitchd_unix,openshift-router,fluentd,kibana,heapster,crio")
scrape prometheus endpoint
-step string
Query resolution step width in number of seconds (default "1m")
-token string
Authorization type + token for endpoint
-url string
URL for prometheus connection (default "http://localhost:9090")
Example pbench command:
./scraper -pbench -i ~/work/pbench-result/tools-default/ -o ~/data/ -blkdev vda-write -blkdev xvdb -netdev eth0-rx -netdev eth0-tx
represents a single block device name, to add more than one block device, you will need to pass the flag again per device, as above
is the input directory, it must point to the parent of the host data, which is .../tools-default/
is the output directory, it can be any directory (dirname/)
represents a single network device name, to add more than more network device, you will need to pass the flag again per device, as above
is a comma-separated list of process names to extract results for, avoid spaces
If you intend to scrape prometheus you must use the -prometheus
flag to enable. Prometheus queries have one mandatory flag: -url
To test the tool against an OpenShift cluster try this test script:
# Test prometheus scraping
PROMETHEUS_URL=https://$(oc --config config get route -n openshift-monitoring | grep prometheus | awk '{print $2}')
AUTH_TOKEN=$(oc --config config sa get-token prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring)
./_output/scraper -prometheus -url ${PROMETHEUS_URL} -insecure -token "${AUTH_TOKEN}"
Since we're using OpenShift we need to add the bearer token (-token
) for the proxy authentication. Also the certs are self signed so we need to disable TLS verification.