reviewdog [luacheck] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (2)
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua|12 col 8| unused variable 'soulWarQuest'
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua|14 col 9| variable 'condition' was previously defined as a loop variable on line 13
Filtered Findings (78)
data/chatchannels/scripts/guild_leaders.lua|5 col 26| value of argument 'type' is overwritten on line 9 before use
data/events/scripts/creature.lua|7 col 8| value assigned to variable 'time' is unused
data/events/scripts/player.lua|626 col 3| value assigned to variable 'item' is unused
data/libs/compat/compat.lua|918 col 8| variable 'target' was previously defined as an argument on line 908
data/libs/functions/combat.lua|3 col 24| shadowing upvalue argument 'creature' on line 1
data/libs/functions/combat.lua|14 col 28| shadowing upvalue argument 'creature' on line 12
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|266 col 20| value assigned to variable 'spectator' is unused
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|281 col 20| value assigned to variable 'spectator' is unused
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|462 col 10| unused variable 'tile'
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|486 col 38| shadowing upvalue argument 'message' on line 441
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|650 col 11| shadowing definition of variable 'player' on line 596
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|691 col 20| value assigned to variable 'spectator' is unused
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|799 col 8| variable 'buffer' was previously defined as an argument on line 798
data/libs/functions/functions.lua|837 col 8| variable 'i' was previously defined as an argument on line 836
data/libs/functions/game.lua|51 col 16| value assigned to variable 'house' is unused
data/libs/functions/game.lua|67 col 17| value assigned to variable 'player' is unused
data/libs/functions/monstertype.lua|40 col 9| value assigned to variable 'count' is unused
data/libs/functions/position.lua|134 col 8| value assigned to variable 'result' is overwritten on line 137 before use
data/libs/functions/position.lua|150 col 8| value assigned to variable 'result' is overwritten on line 153 before use
data/libs/functions/string.lua|55 col 9| unused variable 'a'
data/libs/functions/tables.lua|43 col 8| unused variable 'newthing'
data/libs/systems/daily_reward.lua|79 col 9| unused variable 'a'
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|121 col 34| shadowing upvalue argument 'callable' on line 120
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|203 col 28| shadowing upvalue loop variable 'position' on line 200
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|212 col 26| shadowing upvalue 'name' on line 208
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|212 col 32| shadowing upvalue loop variable 'position' on line 200
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|224 col 12| shadowing definition of argument 'event' on line 212
data/libs/systems/encounters.lua|230 col 12| shadowing upvalue 'monster' on line 213
data/libs/systems/hazard.lua|53 col 8| variable 'hazardPlayer' is never accessed
data/libs/systems/hireling.lua|59 col 16| unused function 'printTable'
data/libs/systems/hireling.lua|628 col 9| shadowing definition of variable 'outfit' on line 603
data/modules/lib/modules.lua|7 col 20| shadowing upvalue argument 'callable' on line 1
data/modules/lib/modules.lua|7 col 30| shadowing upvalue argument 'playerId' on line 1
data/modules/lib/modules.lua|8 col 9| shadowing upvalue 'player' on line 2
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|38 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_NONE'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|39 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_HP_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|40 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_MP_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|41 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_STAMINA_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|42 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_DOUBLE_HP_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|43 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_DOUBLE_MP_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|44 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_SOUL_REGENERATION'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|59 col 7| unused variable 'DAILY_REWARD_SYSTEM_TYPE_OTHER'
data/modules/scripts/daily_reward/daily_reward.lua|572 col 40| empty if branch
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|243 col 51| empty if branch
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|341 col 9| value assigned to variable 'category' is unused
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|359 col 9| value assigned to variable 'category' is unused
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|573 col 8| value assigned to variable 'GameStoreCategories' is unused
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|573 col 29| value assigned to variable 'GameStoreCount' is unused
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|621 col 8| unused variable 'playerId'
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|1437 col 7| shadowing definition of loop variable 'k' on line 1436
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|1487 col 7| shadowing definition of loop variable 'k' on line 1486
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|1514 col 7| shadowing definition of loop variable 'i' on line 1512
data/modules/scripts/gamestore/init.lua|1724 col 9| value assigned to variable 'message' is unused
data/modules/scripts/hirelings/hireling_module.lua|14 col 8| value assigned to variable 'outfitType' is overwritten on line 15 before use
data/npclib/npc_system/custom_modules.lua|8 col 8| value assigned to variable 'discount' is unused
data/npclib/npc_system/npc_handler.lua|596 col 3| value assigned to variable 'events' is unused
data/scripts/actions/items/muck_remover.lua|20 col 16| value assigned to variable 'randomItem' is unused
data/scripts/actions/items/voodoo_doll.lua|8 col 8| value assigned to variable 'text' is unused
data/scripts/eventcallbacks/monster/on_spawn.lua|19 col 10| shadowing definition of argument 'monster' on line 3
data/scripts/eventcallbacks/monster/ondroploot_boosted.lua|18 col 8| variable 'mType' was previously defined on line 10
data/scripts/lib/helper_constructors.lua|14 col 9| value assigned to variable 'obj' is unused
data/scripts/lib/register_migrations.lua|86 col 2| empty if branch
data/scripts/lib/register_monster_type.lua|633 col 9| value assigned to variable 'meleeSoundTable' is unused
data/scripts/lib/register_monster_type.lua|693 col 41| empty if branch
data/scripts/lib/register_monster_type.lua|834 col 19| value assigned to variable 'impactSound' is overwritten on line 841 before use
data/scripts/lib/register_npc_type.lua|88 col 10| unused variable 'color'
data/scripts/movements/closing_door.lua|61 col 7| variable 'doorIds' was previously defined on line 3
data/scripts/movements/closing_door.lua|63 col 7| variable 'closingDoor' was previously defined on line 5
data/scripts/runes/chameleon.lua|7 col 18| value assigned to variable 'item' is unused
data/scripts/spells/attack/great_death_beam.lua|23 col 7| unused variable 'exhaust'
data/scripts/spells/attack/great_death_beam.lua|38 col 8| value assigned to variable 'executed' is overwritten on line 42 before use
data/scripts/spells/support/expose_weakness.lua|2 col 8| unused variable 'player'
data/scripts/spells/support/sap_strength.lua|2 col 8| unused variable 'player'
data/scripts/talkactions/gm/teleport_to_player.lua|43 col 54| shadowing upvalue argument 'player' on line 3
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_addon.lua|32 col 8| shadowing upvalue 'addons' on line 1
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_outfit.lua|37 col 2| unreachable code
data/scripts/talkactions/god/zones.lua|74 col 11| shadowing upvalue argument 'player' on line 3
data/scripts/talkactions/player/reward.lua|22 col 47| shadowing upvalue argument 'player' on line 14
Check warning on line 12 in data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua
github-actions / luacheck
[luacheck] data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua#L12
unused variable 'soulWarQuest'
Raw output
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua:12:8: unused variable 'soulWarQuest'
Check warning on line 14 in data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua
github-actions / luacheck
[luacheck] data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua#L14
variable 'condition' was previously defined as a loop variable on line 13
Raw output
data/scripts/talkactions/god/add_condition.lua:14:9: variable 'condition' was previously defined as a loop variable on line 13